Good practices

Our members are dedicated to improving road safety and sharing their knowledge with the wider community. Here, you can explore our members' good practices – initiatives that have been assessed for their effectiveness in addressing a road safety problem and have proven results. 

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This initiative highlights the dangers of speeding with an aim of increasing compliance with speed limits, deterring motorists from driving at excessive or inappropriate speed and ultimately reducing the number of serious road traffic collisions this Christmas and New Year period in particular. To date, 156 people have lost their lives on Irish roads this year. This is 28 more than on this day last year. There has been some 1,172 serious collisions resulting in injury, often life altering.
TOGETHER.SAFE – mjam to launch safety partnership with the Vienna police force as first delivery service in Austria!
Food delivery services are an integral part of every-day street life, especially in Austria’s bustling cities. Experts are certain that CO2-conscious delivery by bicycle will continue to grow in the future. mjam is one of the largest online order platforms for food in Austria. At or via app customers can order food from more than 6,000 partner restaurants and stores. In 2021, mjam started delivering groceries and supermarket items in Vienna, Graz,
Linz, Salzburg, and Innsbruck in addition.
Mr. Sam Waide, CEO of Road Safety Authority and Assistant Commissioner, Paula Hilman, Road Policing and Community Engagement in on Garda Siochana (Irish Police)
Our annual appeal Minister of State at the Department of Transport, Ms. Hildegarde Naughton has announced that she intends to double the fine for failing to stop at a school warden sign. This will see the fine increase from €80 to €160. The announcement comes as the Road Safety Authority (RSA) and An Garda Síochána call on drivers to watch out for children as they return to school.
- Липса на институционално лидерство и координация на политиките по БДП
- Липса на прозрачност и публичност на действията на държавните институции
- Липса на практики за разследване бездействията на стопаните на пътя спрямо поддръжката на пътищата
En France, près d’une personne sur cinq tuées dans les accidents de la route a entre 18 et 24 ans. Cette tranche d’âge ne représente seulement que 8 % de la population. Au niveau national et international, les accidents de la route correspondent à la première cause de mortalité chez les jeunes.
Afin de sensibiliser sur cette cause, la Fondation VINCI Autoroutes a réalisé une étude sociologique dans le cadre du programme de recherche sur la prévention des risques chez les jeunes conducteur et a par la suite réalisé une campagne digitale intitulée « Les jeunes au volant ». Cette opération avait pour objectif d’examiner le rapport des jeunes à la conduite et à l’automobile.
Le principal objectif de cette campagne est d’avant tout sensibiliser les jeunes âgés de 18 à 25 ans aux différents risques routiers.