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Vectalia is a company specialized in mobility management and services operating in all Spanish regions and sever-al cities from France and Morocco. In recent years, the company has expanded its activities in mobility management creating new enterprises engaged in urban and intercity transportation on the one hand, and municipal services management such as regulated street parking, crane, parking garage, bus stations and petrol stations on the other hand, as well as facility services, both for private companies and public administrations.

Regarding collective passenger transport, Vectalia manages several urban transport networks in Spain (Alicante and its metropolitan area, Albacete, Cáceres, Mérida, Alcoi, Elda-Petrer), in France (Beziers and Cambrai) and in Morocco (Nador and its metropolitan area and Safi). Likewise, Vectalia operates intercity transport corridors in the same countries, and regular transport services for private companies and tourists, coming out onto the road close to one thousand buses every day including all transport services.

The current workforce of around 4.000 employees makes the fulfilment of these functions possible, working towards achieving high quality and security standards.


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