
Stay informed with the latest developments in road safety across Europe and beyond through our news page. The news page provides coverage on key topics including policy changes, technological advancements, safety campaigns, and more. 


European Road Safety Charter member, the Roads of Mazovia Foundation, has launched an exciting and impactful fundraising initiative: the “The Warsaw-Paris Bike Rally”, taking place in the run up to the 2024 Summer Olympics. The project founder, Adam Sobiera, is aiming to cycle a total of…
In the 8th March the Commission published preliminary figures on road fatalities for 2023. Around 20,400 people were killed in road crashes in the EU last year, a small 1% decrease on 2022.  Despite some progress since the baseline year of 20191, few Member States are on track to meet the…
New rules on general vehicle safety now apply to all new motor vehicles sold in the EU as of 7 July 2024. The rules, which already apply to new vehicle types since July 2022, improve road safety by introducing a range of advanced driver assistant systems for all new vehicles.  
Protective equipment such as helmets, seatbelts and child restraint systems have been shown to be very effective in protecting road users from death or serious injury. If used correctly, motorcycle helmets can reduce fatal crashes by around 40% and the chance of severe head injury by almost 70%.…
On the 1st July, the United Nations unveiled a global road safety campaign under the motto #MakeASafetyStatement. This initiative seeks to significantly improve traffic safety and foster the creation of inclusive, safe, and sustainable streets worldwide. The campaign also aims to bolster the core…