Good practices

Our members are dedicated to improving road safety and sharing their knowledge with the wider community. Here, you can explore our members' good practices – initiatives that have been assessed for their effectiveness in addressing a road safety problem and have proven results. 

Get inspired – and sign up to share your good practices too! 


Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Dar a conocer la Pastoral de la Carretera y Turismo en todos los ámbitos de nuestra sociedad,
principalmente en las familias, tratando de que los usuarios de nuestras carreteras sean
responsables y adopten medidas seguras cuando circulan en vehículo o como peatones. La iglesia en Ourense quiere mostrar cercanía, solidaridad, apoyo a las familias, amigos, vecinos, que han perdido un ser querido en un accidente de Tráfico. También a esas personas que debido aún accidente de tráfico viven mermados por sus heridas físicas durante toda su vida.
El turismo y la movilidad humana puede convertirse en un instrumento de proximidad. El
turismo debe mostrar ahora su faceta transformadora, como actividad recreativa que haga
crecer el espíritu de fraternidad entre pueblos. Turismo con rostro humano, que se concreta
en proyectos de turismo de comunidad, de cooperación, de solidaridad, sostenibles en su proyección.
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
This campaign is an awareness campaign aimed at raising awareness of the forces behind trucks and the challenges they pose in traffic. The purpose of the campaign is to improve the working environment on the road and increase traffic safety by focusing on awareness and behavior in traffic. The messages are delivered through 3 episodes, 1 cut of, and 1 hero film. Each episode addresses different situations, such as a reversing truck, right-hand turns, the power of the truck, behavior in traffic etc.

The campaign has been designed based primarily on the partners' wish that the business world contributes to traffic safety on Danish roads and cycle paths. Every year, for example, thousands of cyclists in Denmark are injured in traffic.

According to new figures from the researchers, the risk of being seriously injured or losing your life on a bicycle has increased since 2016, while the risk for virtually all other road users has decreased.

Cyclists and pedestrians encounter trucks in many different situations. This ranges from overtaking on the country road, to e.g. reversing and right-hand turns in urban areas.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Austria continues to be an absolute negative example when it comes to speeding offences. The effects of speeding and excessive speed on road safety can be clearly seen in the accident statistics: Inappropriate speed was the main cause of more than a quarter of all fatal accidents between 2017 and 2021. Particularly high speeding offences have an enormous impact on the risk of accidents and the severity of injuries. Speeding drivers are convinced that they have their car under control even at high speeds.
Monday, June 10, 2024
La Coupe scolaire vise à former les enfants à une utilisation sûre du vélo sur la voie publique. Ils apprennent à cette occasion à l'école toutes les règles du code de la route qui leur sont nécessaires pour ce faire. Mais c’est aussi et surtout un apprentissage pratique pour s’entraîner à appliquer dans la réalité les règles apprises en classe. C’est pour cela que les épreuves pratiques se déroulent en conditions réelles, même si de préférence sur des routes à trafic modéré et si les autres usagers sont informés du déroulement des épreuves.
Monday, June 10, 2024
Road works are necessary to keep our roads in optimal operating conditions, but their presence generates mobility problems, traffic jams, increased risk of accidents or insecurity. One of the most affected groups is road maintenance workers. According to data from the General Directorate of Traffic, in Spain there were 172 accidents in construction zones in 2022, of which 22 involved personnel working or walking on the road, while the rest affected workers were inside their vehicles. To address this problem, our R&D Department has designed a machine for the automatic placement and collection of cones on the road: Easy – Cone. This system, installed in vehicles of more than 3,500 kg, is capable of automatically placing the cones on the road without the worker stepping on the asphalt, being able to operate the equipment from inside the vehicle. Once the intervention has been completed, the same device collects the marking elements. This avoids the worker's exposure to road traffic, so the accident rate due to run over and/or collision on stretches affected by road work will be minimized.