Members' activities

На 31.05.2023 г. представители на Института за пътна безопасност се срещнаха с фирмата Stuer-Egghe, занимаваща се с обезопасяването на пътищата при ВОД, с цел въвеждане на иновации в българската…

Ve dnech 18. a 19. května 2023 se v prostorách hotelu Sen v Senohrabech uskutečnil 9. ročník konference čisté mobility, který tentokrát zorganizovalo Ministerstvo životního prostředí ve spolupráci…

Since 2016 the Croatian Automobile Club (HAK) hosts an annual competition for the production of short films on the topic “10 Golden Rules for Road Safety“ in order to…

Primary school teachers took an electric scooter course.

Elementary school teachers took an electric scooter course. There were two occasions for that. The first was…

An useful best practices book for children to learn the first road safety rules, to read alone, with the teacher, with parents.