As the school started its new education period, a seminar was organized by Traffic Police Department for all primary school teachers in our school. A detailed training was provided by a group of Traffic Police officers from Denizli Traffic Police Department on how to share updates on traffic education in the new year. A total of 40 teachers participated in this event that representing our school. This activity took place in a total of 5 schools throughout Denizli-Pamukkale county. A total of 200 teachers from 5 schools participated this event. The event was held on 4 September 2019 in the conference hall of our school. This event was organized by Deliktaş Primary School and teachers from other nearby schools were also involved. During the training, some new traffic rules were applied to the teachers by the trainers. As Denizli Deliktaş Primary School, we aim to increase the efficiency of our students in traffic education and road safety trainings through activities that we will organize throughout the year.
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