Landesverkehrswacht Sachsen e.V.

Member since: January 2022
Submitted by No name or org… (not verified) on

What are you doing/aiming to do for road safety?

The traffic association “care taker of road safety in Saxony” has a big interest in road safety in Europe and focuses mainly on Saxony. Especially the safety of children is important to us. For improving their safety in traffic we have decided to commit to the European Road Safety Charter with the following actions:
We will introduce traffic teaching in all schools of Saxony to promote a better awareness for road safety issues after school hours when children are at risk the most. Therefore, we and our volunteering members 1.400 will visit after school clubs and teach the children (approximately 10.000 children a year).We will work together closely and effectively with Kindergartens in Saxony in order to prepare children for their first day of school and the dangers in traffic on school ways (approximately 10.000 children a year).Both children from schools and kindergartens will be taught about traffic signs, priorities, behaviour in traffic and the basic traffic rules.

To further ensure the children safety we will hand out highly visible yellow baseball caps (approximately 34.000 a year). They can be noticed earlier and easier by vehicle drivers. The distribution of baseball caps will be combined a competition (who wears the cap on the school way for the longest period). We have voluntaries checking and controlling in front of school whether the caps are worn. Further the teachers of the beginner classes check on their pupils who is having and wearing the cap. The winners will get prizes. The first prize will be a free day in Belantis - Park. There will be about 4.000 more prizes.
The success will be monitored by getting feedback from local road safety organisations and the ongoing assessment of road traffic accident statistics.

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