6 April 2017 00:00

The 6th of April is the Road Safety Day in Lithuania. The main goal of this day is to draw attention to road safety problems and to prompt people to behave safety on the roads: not exceed the speed, not drive under the alcohol influence, use seat belts, respect and protect themselves and others on the road. This year we drew attention to children. A big event was organized in Kaunas, attended by about 500 pupils from primary schools. There were a lot of activities organized. The pupils participated in the Road Safety lesson ( the teacher was White Zebra, as you can see in the photos below), made reflectors, revised the traffic rules and took part in the entertainment programme. According the statistics, 7 children (under 18 years old) were killed on the roads in Lithuania, in 2016. One of them was killed because of his carelessness. This event was important for reminding traffic rules in order to prevent children deaths on the roads.