
16 April 2024 08:30 – 16:15
'Concert Hall' (Hall 07) of the Royal Dublin Society (RDS)

Happy Trails for the Road Safety Authority as Seatbelt Sheriff saddles up to deliver awards

The Road Safety Authority has announced the winners of its annual Seatbelt Sheriff Awards which celebrate the dedication and creative ideas of primary school children to keep themselves, their friends and their loved ones safe on our roads.

The Seatbelt Sheriff Awards are now in their 19th year, and while it’s not their first rodeo, this year marks the first year that the Seatbelt Sheriff galloped off into the sunset to deliver the awards in person to the winning schools.

‘Pass Wide and Slow’ When Meeting Horse Riders and other Vulnerable Road Users

The Road Safety Authority (RSA), and An Garda Síochána (AGS) have teamed up with Horse Sport Ireland (HSI) and Horse Racing Ireland (HRI) to produce a series of videos to inform motorists how to share the roads safely with horse riders.

Thursday, June 1, 2023
The Vision Hero initiative highlights an area where VM are compliant using Para 5.21 (5.21.2) of the European R48 Lighting Regulations in such cases where the rear lights are blocked by more than 50% by moving components (i.e. Rear Doors). Placing a notice AND communication in the vehicle (owners handbook) therefore gives the VM full compliance. However, the liability then reverts to the owners / operators to notify other road users of the presence of the vehicle. The initiative using Para 5.21 but 5.21.1 of the said mentioned regulation to result in the vehicle being seen with the rear door/s open - therefore the owners / operators have no requirement to notify other road users of the presence of the vehicle because the vehicle can be seen under these conditions. Major efforts were made to ensure that full compliance in accordance with 5.21.1 including Gaining E.U. Type Approval, all position, geometric visibility, colorimetric and photometric requirements were addressed. Both EU and National (Irish) legislation was fully adhered to when putting the kit together. The support slides and videos demonstrate the current situation and also shows a vast improvement when using the initiative kit proposed. This results in a massive road safety improvement pertaining to involved units in Europe.
Thursday, June 1, 2023
Speed limits and speeding in the vicinity of schools.

In Ireland many of our ‘Front of school’ zones tend to be busy and congested. Where school bus transport is not available for example, children often travel several kilometres to their schools from rural localities in the private family car. We also have the habit of very short and often unnecessary (less than 1km) trips by car to school; parents frequently cite traffic and speed as a reason for the car trip. In essence it’s a self-propagating habit; the more who drive, the more who feel it’s dangerous and so the drive level ensues.

Wicklow County Council are conscious and concerned regarding their school going population. We are aware of studies detailing that pedestrians have a 90% chance of surviving a car crash at 30km/h or below, but that the probability of a pedestrian being killed rises by a factor of 8 as the impact speed of the car rises from 30km/h to 50km/h. Existing speed limits in the vicinities of County Wicklow’s schools varied from 50km up to 80km per hour. Wicklow County Council were keen to address this lack of equity in shared spaces where vehicles and vulnerable road users mix on a thrice daily basis.

We felt there was no justification for drivers to travel at high speeds in the vicinity of schools. Changes were proposed to reduce speed, to reduce risk and to make the front of school environment a safer place for all. Various options were looked at, including the enforcement of fixed speed limits or the introduction of periodic speed limits in school zones which would require drivers to reduce their speed.

It was agreed that the on roads outside schools that would not be subject to a fixed speed limit of 30km/h, periodic speed limits of 30km/h should be proposed to Elected Members*, as anything that addresses the notion of reduction in speed must be considered for the most vulnerable road users.

The members of each local authority are called 'Councillor’s, or ‘Elected Members’. Councillors are directly elected in local elections, to represent their district at a local level. The number of councillors elected to each local authority depends on the population of the local authority area. In total, Wicklow have 32 Elected Members.
Thursday, May 25, 2023
The aim of my project is to design a portable device or app to detect fast moving objects.

Approximately 2.2 million people globally are vision impaired.

As a vision impaired person, I have difficulty seeing oncoming vehicles and other hazards, such as electric cars or e-scooters.

For these reasons, I developed VIPMOD: Vision Impaired Person's Moving Object Detector.

Vision impaired people are not the only group of people with this difficulty.

People with other access needs, such as mobility disabilities, or people who are hearing impaired, will also benefit from VIPMOD, helping them to live safer and more independent lives.
Thursday, May 25, 2023
Individuals who are blind or have low vision face unique challenges when it comes to navigating our roads. These challenges include not being able to access traditional signage and visual warning signals, not being able to make eye contact with drivers and other road users, veering on crossings or collision with obstacles due to an absence of visual information. The NCBI conducted research and found that 63% of individuals with a vision impairment reported being injured in a public place at least once when navigating outdoors and 59% indicated increases in micro mobility and changes in public space reduced their confidence to walk and access the community. Research also highlighted that despite not having legislation for e-scooters in Ireland, 64.9% of individuals with a vision impairment had experienced a near miss with an E-Scooter on Irish roads.
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
The road safety challenge is motorists parking their vehicle on footpaths and cycle lanes, blocking access for pedestrians, cyclists, pushchairs and those with reduced mobility. This leads to vulnerable road users such as wheelchair users, the visually impaired, people with buggies, children and older pedestrians not having adequate room to walk safely, potentially forcing them out onto the road. Parking in cycle lanes forces cyclists out into mainstream traffic, where there is an increased risk of a collision occurring.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023
The drivers of An Post deliver to over 2 million addresses on a daily basis. Unfortunately, some drivers do not respect the speed limits or do not wear a seatbelt. The campaign also want to create more awareness around vehicle rollaway prevention and safe movement of vehicles.

Professional Cyclist Imogen Cotter Launches new safety campaign with the RSA and Škoda Ireland

Professional Cyclist Imogen Cotter Launches new safety campaign with the RSA and Škoda Ireland A new RSA report shows that for every one person killed while cycling, there were 25 seriously injured*. 9% of people seriously injured while cycling was a result of a hit and run incident. ‘Failure to observe’ by other drivers was their most frequently noted action (38%) in collisions where people who cycle were seriously injured.
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