Follow-Up ERSCharter Seminar in Paris

Member since: October 2013
Submitted by ersc-admin on

The European Road Safety charter Workshop took place at the « Université de Francophone de Printemps » on the 20th of May at the Organisation International de la Francophonie (OIF), 19-21 avenue Bosquet, 75007 Paris (France). It was attended by around 60 participants from French-speaking countries. The ERSC-brochures as well as a presentation of the charter were distributed to all participants.

The event was opened by welcome words of Georges Nakseu-Nguefang representing Louise Mushikiwabo, general secretary of the OIF, and Robert Trottein, president  of the “Alliance Francophone Pour la Sécurité Routière” (AFPSR). Jean Todt,  United nation’s Special Envoy for Road Safety, closed the welcome speeches with a video-message.

The event continued with  the following inaugural conferences :

  • Awa Sarr, President of the Road Safety at Work Group (UNRSC), Secretary-General of the Global Alliance of NGOs in Road Safety: the SDG’s and Road Safety

  • Benacer Boulaajoul, permanent Secretary of CNPAC of Morocco, President of PRI: the African forum on road safety

  • Yves Van de Vloet, president of PREVENTICA and expert at the European Urban Sécurity Forum: Global Sécurity in the French-speaking countries.

After a small break, the presentations went over to solutions presented by several stakeholders. Marie Noëlle Poirier  presented Laser Europe and Jeannot Mersch the Fédération Européenne des Victimes de la Route (FEVR). The European Road Safety Charter-team presented the charter, focusing on the Objectives of the charter and underlining the reasons for organizations to join the charter, to develop initiatives for improving road safety and share them with the Charter community.  Organizations were invited to join the charter and to participate to the Call for Good practices. Those who already signed the charter where invited to continue being active on the platform. All participants were encouraged to promote the charter within their network.

The afternoon was reserved to four workshops:

  1. Enterprises, stakeholders in mobility and risk prevention

  2. Professionalism, formations, qualifications, jobs

  3. Road Safety observatories, modernization and development.

  4. Communication related to road safety

The feedback from the seminar was very positive, with participants expressing their interest in the charter platform. Participants that were already member of the charter, renewed their commitment on the charter’s website.
