Members' activities

Below, you will find the latest activities from our members. These could be campaigns, projects,  technology developments, innovations or any activity striving to improve road safety. These activities have not yet been assessed for effectiveness in addressing the problem. 


It is a tradition in our school that first-graders take “The Exemplary Pedestrian Exam” in September. This year 115 pupils took this exam. Policemen, who had been invited to this event, instructed…

Este projecto teve o seu inicio em 2014 em parceria com o Núcleo Escola Segura da Guarda Nacional Republicana. A actividade é desenvolvida nas Escolas do Agrupamento, dividindo-se em duas partes,…

Operation Safe Home was developed to help improve the system of children exiting the school at home time. Due to an increase in students attending the school and a rise in the number of road…

En el Colegio Público Huerta Major de Alcoy hemos puesto en marcha una campaña de educación vial, con la que buscamos que los alumnos y alumnas cuando acaben su etapa de Infantil y Primaria tengan…

EN: In the peak hour, factory accesses are highly frequented by employees commuting by collective transport or their own vehicles. The employee’s representation, plant engineers and the…