Initiative details
Every year, ca. 200 accidents and collisions happen on the Polish railroad crossings, leading to dozens of deaths. 99% of these incidents are a result of the drivers’ recklessness and their non-compliance with the rules. Therefore, state-owned Polish Railway Lines launched a social educational campaign: “Safe rail-road level crossing” aimed at increasing the drivers’ awareness. Campaign was focused on shortening the reaction time of emergency services by using an innovative solution of Yellow Sticker and educating the right behaviours widely in the Polish society thru Ambassadors of Safety.
85% of Poles declare that they do not always comply with the traffic rules…
Rush, ignorance, recklessness and lack of rationality are the main killers on the railway’s tracks in Poland. Research shows that general knowledge about safety on railway’s tracks and rail-road crossings in Poland is too low. Drivers routinely disregard the STOP sign, light signals or pass below the closing barriers. The problem concerns both regular and professional drivers. Many of them don’t know what to do if their vehicle gets stuck between the closed barriers. They can’t determine the place, whom to contact and what to do. They are not aware that they can contact the services by using the Yellow Sticker.
Therefore Polish Railway Lines under “Safe rail-road level crossing” campaign, implemented actions aimed at reaching the general public with information about railroad crossing safety rules and functioning of Yellow Sticker.
85% of Poles declare that they do not always comply with the traffic rules…
Rush, ignorance, recklessness and lack of rationality are the main killers on the railway’s tracks in Poland. Research shows that general knowledge about safety on railway’s tracks and rail-road crossings in Poland is too low. Drivers routinely disregard the STOP sign, light signals or pass below the closing barriers. The problem concerns both regular and professional drivers. Many of them don’t know what to do if their vehicle gets stuck between the closed barriers. They can’t determine the place, whom to contact and what to do. They are not aware that they can contact the services by using the Yellow Sticker.
Therefore Polish Railway Lines under “Safe rail-road level crossing” campaign, implemented actions aimed at reaching the general public with information about railroad crossing safety rules and functioning of Yellow Sticker.
Initiative date
Who was/is your target audience?
Young adults 17-25
Fleet operators
Car drivers
Car drivers – professional
Educational staff
Emergency services
Public transport
Van drivers
Lorry/truck drivers
Micromobility riders
Powered two wheeler riders (excluding micromobility)
Knowledge building and sharing
Create awareness
Education in school or in community organizations
Organisation details
PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A.
Contact name
Marcin Kruszyński
Telephone number
Website link
Project activities
If you work together with external partners, list the most important partners and briefly describe their role.
not applicable
Please describe the project activities you carried/are carrying out and the time period over which these were implemented.
Driving instructors have the biggest influence on the habits acquired by young drivers. That’s why since 2016 the PLK’s safety experts drive across the country and organize special seminars for the representatives of driving schools. We try to reach all the places where the young drivers are being taught. We have travelled through Poland from Rzeszów to Szczecin and from Suwałki to Legnica. Ca. 4,000 driving instructors received didactic materials. During the workshops, we present clips from railroad crossings incidents, interesting facts, we discuss the examples of both improper and desired drivers’ behaviors. The instructors receive knowledge, which they can later use during their own classes with students. What’s important, participants of the workshops can also exchange experiences during the classes.
Expert workshops are one of the activities of the social campaign " Safe rail-road level crossing ", the purpose of which is to eliminate dangerous incidents on rail-road crossings.
At the meeting, with the participation of a railway expert, safety rules at level crossings were presented. The information from the PLK Yellow Sticker - additional marking of journeys was reminded. There was time for questions and clarifications. Each workshop participant received didactic materials helpful in training future drivers.
Expert workshops are one of the activities of the social campaign " Safe rail-road level crossing ", the purpose of which is to eliminate dangerous incidents on rail-road crossings.
At the meeting, with the participation of a railway expert, safety rules at level crossings were presented. The information from the PLK Yellow Sticker - additional marking of journeys was reminded. There was time for questions and clarifications. Each workshop participant received didactic materials helpful in training future drivers.
What has been the effect of the activities?
Over 4,000 driving instructors and 980 driving schools received didactic materials. During the workshops, we present clips from railroad crossings incidents, interesting facts, we discuss the examples of both improper and desired drivers’ behaviors. The instructors receive knowledge, which they can later use during their own classes with students.
Please briefly explain why your initiative is a good example of improving road safety.
Driving instructors have the biggest influence on the habits acquired by young drivers. That’s why since 2016 the PLK’s safety experts drive across the country and organize special seminars for the representatives of driving schools. We try to reach all the places where the young drivers are being taught.
How have you shared information about your project and its results?
Supporting materials