TruckSafe Standard

Initiative details

FTA Ireland (FTAI) is a not for- profit membership trade association for the Irish freight, passenger, and logistics industries. Established in Ireland in 2010, we are wholly owned and governed by our members and act solely in advancing their best interests. FTAI covers all aspects of private and public freight transport, passenger transport and logistics supply chain, including road, rail, sea, and air. FTAI represents some of the largest freight and passenger operators in Ireland, with more than 25,000 employees and 10,000 commercial vehicles operating between them.
From our establishment, our members have demanded that FTA Ireland develop and implement an industry wide standard that facilitates a path to continuous operational compliance but also provides recognition for commercial fleet operators in the ‘Own Account’ and ‘Haulage’ sectors that meet their minimum legal operational obligations and from that endeavour to achieve sustainable operations through efficient fuel management and continuous professional development.
The TruckSafe standard was developed by industry through a working group for industry to support the recognition of commercial fleet operators that adhere to the minimum legal requirements in the following areas: fatigue, roadworthiness, driver competence, road traffic rules, safe and legal loads, dangerous goods, road haulage operator licensing, professional competence, sustainable operations, contractor and agency management. An objective was to raise the standards of professionalism of commercial heavy goods vehicle fleets, improve road safety standards and provide the recognition for those attaining the standard. this assists a cultural shift to compliant operations that influence procurement practices and has the added benefits of reducing the likelihood of accident and injury on our roads putting the safety of drivers and other road users to the fore. There is also increase regulatory requirements and this standard keeps pace with this through annual reviews and ensures that participants in this annual audit are mandated to keep abreast of the regulatory changes delivering sustained compliance. this in turn has the added benefit that compliance and safety become routine and are inherent in the organisations irrespective of personnel changes. FTA Irelands concentration on encouraging the highest operational compliance and professionalism within our membership through our TruckSafe & VanSafe auditing standards helps our members focus on the long-term sustainability of their business. In attaining sustainability businesses must have the basics right, ability to price services right, manage overheads and operational compliance and to meet legal their obligations. For road transport it is very important that they are road safe and meeting health and safety obligations. All of these add up to key ingredients for sustainable and profitable operations. Getting recognition for this good work has many benefits both for the operator and the industry they represent as it helps raise awareness of standards and good practices and develops more focused procurement practices and improved road safety.

Initiative date

Who was/is your target audience?

Policy makers
Company employees
Fleet operators
Public transport
Lorry/truck drivers


Improve vehicles and infrastructure
Provide alternative solutions

Organisation details

Freight Transport Association Ireland

Contact name

Aidan Flynn

Telephone number


Website link

Project activities

If you work together with external partners, list the most important partners and briefly describe their role.

We have an established working group of members that are the gatekeepers of the TruckSafe Standard. We meet regularly to review the standard and make necessary changes to keep the standard up to date. development ideas are explored such as the development of the Green standard in 2021.

Please describe the project activities you carried/are carrying out and the time period over which these were implemented.

Work started on the TruckSafe Standard in 2011 and the various levels of Silver, Gold and Green have been introduced over the years. The green standard level was introduced in 2021. A member working group was established to to consider what subject matter was to be included and the rules of engagement were developed. Members are then invited to participate in the standards starting with Bronze. companies can only go for Silver and Gold 1 year after attaining the Bronze standard.

The Standard has 4 levels:
 Bronze Standard – The company has systems in place to meet the minimum standards in fatigue, roadworthiness, driver competence, road traffic rules, safe and legal loads, dangerous goods, road haulage operator licensing, professional competence, sustainable operations, contractor, and agency management
 Silver standard – All of the systems referred to in Bronze plus monitoring of sustainable operations, vehicle and driver encounters together with Gate checks.
 Gold Standard – All of the systems referred to in Bronze and Silver plus KPI and quality monitoring with continuous improvement actions plans in place for fatigue, driver competence load safety and sustainable operations
 Silver/Gold with Green Standard – Through the introduction of added focus on Environ-mental Policies, whose who have obtained silver and gold standard, may qualify for Green Standard inf their fleet comprises of
(a) 100% of the fleet may be Euro 6 if there are no alternative fuel vehicles within the fleet and/or
(b) A percentage of the fleet may be Euro 6 with the remainder of the fleet being gas or electric.
(c) All questions in the green sections of the audit document should be answered posi-tively for the member to obtain Green Standard.

Where companies do not attain the standard, detailed information is provided as to the reasons why, ensuring that the company, can implement the necessary requirements, this in turn promotes safety standards.

More information on the precise requirements per standard can be found in the second link added to this application.


What has been the effect of the activities?

• Members leading by demonstration of meeting minimum legal requirements and promotion competition within our membership that leads to continuous professional development with the impact of continuous road safety improvements. Road safety is at the core of the Trucksafe standard.
• The Road Safety Authority recognises and praises the Trucksafe & Vansafe Standards as does the Health and Safety Authority and as such it is well established.
• FTAI reacted by introducing the Trucksafe Audit Standard when the RSA sought to increase enforcement in commercial vehicle safety and our goal was to ensure that our members were meeting the minimum legal requirements for the operation of commercial HGV fleets.
• Five of our members reached bronze level within the first year and we progressed this to over 100 companies now taking part in this annual standard. In 2017 we developed our silver and gold elements followed by introducing the Green Certification in 2020.
• Increased engagement from our members to reach highest standard which creates added buy in, more recognition of the standard, the integrity of the standard is being upheld.
• The impact has been phenomenally successful and positive. It is listed on the commercial vehicle self-declaration on the RSA Website. If you are retaining the standard it is recognised by the Authorities as “the standard” for commercial fleet operators.
• The FTAI standard is having the impact of developing a sustainable operational culture within our membership. We have evidence of this through our membership engagement at our ‘’alternative Fuel working group’ where Trucksafe™ members are interested in alternative fuelling technologies that can both improve their Carbon Footprint but can also have an impact on their bottom line. In 2018 FTAI established an ‘alternative technologies’ working group comprising of manufacturers, haulage operators and alternative energy suppliers such as Gas Networks Ireland, Calor Gas and the ESB to supply dedicated information and guidance to FTAI members on the choice available to them in the move to reducing their carbon footprint. Whilst the initial focus was on supporting the roll out of public CNG fuelling sites for members that had purchased this technology the long-term objective is to make information available to all members on the options available to them on alternative fuelling options.
• At the beginning of 2022 FTAI introduced Defensive Eco-driver Training. This training was designed as a further step to our Trucksafe Standard (continuous Improvement) and based on Industry demand. We aim to improve drivers’ safety awareness and risk management and to furthermore provide drivers and driver assessors with the tools to drive with fuel efficiency in mind resulting in lower running costs, improved profit margins and reduced emissions. Safer drivers result in less injuries and fatalities on our roads, less accidental damage to vehicles, reduced unproductive downtime for vehicle repair and the potential to reduce insurance premiums. Fuel efficient Drivers = Safer Drivers = Good Risk Management. This continuous improvement training will raise driver awareness, concentration and observations skills, understand Eco Driving and defensive driving methods, utilise driving techniques to save fuel, decreased fuel consumption by planning and managing travel.
1% reduction in speed
2% reduction in injuries/collisions
3% reduction in collisions
4% reduction in fatalities
This is a national programme and it is developing a culture of compliance within our membership and also having a wider impact and creating awareness that those that procure third party HGV services must also seek evidence that the operation is working to the standards they say they are thus protecting their liability and having a more invested impact in supporting a safety culture.
 Whilst we do not take insurance data in relation to improved insurance claims or reduce road safety periodic services conducted by members demonstrates that those taking part in the Trucksafe programme do get preferential insurance rates, reduced risk of being involved in road accidents, drivers more aware of their obligations and driver behaviour.
 Following each annual audit there may be requirements to implemented training programmes for drivers both in terms of their vehicle road worthiness issues but also in terms of their own personal development around road safety.
 Successes are measured on an annual basis through the Trucksafe Standard Audit by the progression from Bronze to higher levels i.e., Silver, Gold and or Silver with Green, Gold with Green. Members cannot progress to the higher levels unless the required systems have been put in place following successfully reaching a minimum of Bronze Standard and such improvements are measured by a year-on-year comparison through this Audit.
 Whilst we do not take insurance data in relation to improved insurance claims or reduce road safety periodic services conducted by members demonstrates that those taking part in the Trucksafe programme do get preferential insurance rates, reduced risk of being involved in road accidents, drivers more aware of their obligations and driver behaviour.
 Following each annual audit there may be requirements to implemented training programmes for drivers both in terms of their vehicle road worthiness issues but also in terms of their own personal development around road safety.
 Successes are measured on an annual basis through the Trucksafe Standard Audit by the progression from Bronze to higher levels i.e., Silver, Gold and or Silver with Green, Gold with Green. Members cannot progress to the higher levels unless the required systems have been put in place following successfully reaching a minimum of Bronze Standard and such improvements are measured by a year-on-year comparison through this Audit.

Please briefly explain why your initiative is a good example of improving road safety.

There is nothing comparable to our Trucksafe Standard in Ireland and by introducing this mechanism of annually auditing the management systems and practices and procedures mandates that our members meet their minimum legal requirements. Our aim is to influence a culture of change within the transport sector and with Haulage Operators. The standard was introduced in response to the industry requirement to improve compliance levels and industry image across the country and abroad.
In attaining sustainability, businesses must have the basics right; the ability to price services right, manage overheads and operational compliance and to meet legal their obligations. For road transport it is especially important that they are road safe and meeting health and safety obligations. All of these add up to key ingredients for sustainable and profitable operations. Getting recognition for this excellent work has many benefits both for the operator and the industry they represent as it helps raise awareness of standards and good practices and develops more focused procurement practices and improved road safety. Of course, with this focus it de facto supports operator’s preparation for the future in a more strategic and structured manner. The cost of fuel must be understood and how its cost impacts margins. Creating a focus on fuel management (litres used and KM driven) per vehicle is an important basis for aiding decisions on the vehicle procurement options available to operators that will deliver the best savings for the business and ultimately have the greatest impact in reducing their carbon emissions. Comparing the difference between older vehicles and newer ones is vital in determining when to buy and the type of vehicle to buy. Newer vehicles such as Euro V1 are more efficient and cleaner for the environment. There are also options for CNG and LNG that can work, however the infrastructure needs to be established that can support these technologies.
TruckSafe is having the impact of supporting a cultural shift where road safety is the number one priority for HGV fleet operators. the focus on safety does not change even if the personnel do. It recognises the work that is being done to support a safe and compliant operation and is reliant on both management of drivers to succeed. FTA Ireland TruckSafe members are investing in newer safer equipment, considering alternative technologies to support the transition to net zero. Where members do not attain the necessary standard they are given a detailed report with the reason that can be used to intorduce the necessary systems to comply. Once they attain the standard they are then audited on an annual basis with the membership encouraging each other to attain the Gold standard. this is a great example of industry pushing each other to be safe and compliant, levelling the playing field, and competiting on the basis of saftey and standards than on price. this is good for the reputation of the industry as well as for the safety of all road users. the Audit looks at management of tachograph and working time for example, ensuring that the risk of fatigue is reduced which is so important in reducing road incidents.

How have you shared information about your project and its results?

 Trucksafe standard is growing in terms of visibility as it is the only standard in existence on the Island of Ireland for commercial fleet operators. We have grown from 5 companies on the programme to over 100 and that is affecting change where companies that procure haulage services are now asking if operators have standards like that of Trucksafe.
 Members are posting on social media of their success of the standard which is creating more awareness of the standard leaving no doubt that it is encouraging more people to recognise and understand the benefits of the programme.
1st Bronze member
1st Silver Member
1st Gold Member
1st Green/Silver
1st Green/Gold
We post on social media and have articles covered in trade magazines and journals

Supporting materials