Toyota FaceItDown app - rewards drivers if phone face down

Initiative details

In Ireland, we love our phones but we know disconnecting is important. On average we spend 5 hours every day looking at our phones and 4/5 people admit to using their mobile phone while driving. Even though using a mobile phone behind the wheel when driving makes you 23 times more likely to have an accident, we still do it. So we want o change peoples behaviours. The Toyota FaceItDown app was built using technology to reinforce positive behaviour change by rewarding users for driving with their mobile phones facing down. The more kilometres a user drives with their phone facing down (and without ever touching it or picking it up) the more points they are awarded at the end of their journey. The gamification system of rewarding points for app usage was all built according to gamification best practice around one single behaviour/action; the act of facing down your phone while you're driving. Our objective of the app is to change peoples behaviours and make Irish roads safer for everyone. Target: All drivers, not just Toyota as we all share the road together. We know younger males are the worst offender and they remain our key target audience.

Initiative date


Who was/is your target audience?

Young adults 17-25
Car drivers


Create awareness

Organisation details

Toyota Ireland

Contact name

Mark Fallon

Telephone number

353 87 333 0758

Website link

Project activities

If you work together with external partners, list the most important partners and briefly describe their role.

The Toyota Face It Down app is approved by The Road Safety Authority of Ireland. We are 2 reward partners Circle K and Q Park, and a partnership with Headspace the mindfulness app which we make available to all Face it down users.

Please describe the project activities you carried/are carrying out and the time period over which these were implemented.

We have just finished a marketing campaign promoting usage of the app and to make Irish roads safer. This ran for 6 weeks from 12th July to 16th August on radio, digital and PR.


What has been the effect of the activities?

Total install increased by 15% in 6 weeks to 64,000 In 6 weeks an additional 1.4 MILLION KM's were driven using the app. Over 1000 people availed of the Headspace offer.

Please briefly explain why your initiative is a good example of improving road safety.

To date over 33 million KM have been driven using the Face It dow app. That is 33 million kilometres driven while facing their phone down, this can reduce the risk of accident and make roads safer. The gamification system which is based on encouraging good behaviour to create good driving habits is something that could be applied in other areas.

How have you shared information about your project and its results?

Visit links.