Initiative details
The campaign is a response to an increased number of accidents on Polish highways. We strongly believe that by educating and raising consciousness, we help to save human lives.
It is also a continuation of the activities that Road Safety Centre in Łódź (CRBD) presented during the competition in 2016 and has been implemented jointly for 4 years (since 2018)
Safety, trust, health and support are essential in the changing demanding world. Compensa and CRBD wants to provide these values to all persons in our environment as an insurance company offering the best solutions and service standards, but also showing great responsibility, deep engagement and multidimensional care.
We believe we can make a change, through education and awareness. We can save lives.
It is also a continuation of the activities that Road Safety Centre in Łódź (CRBD) presented during the competition in 2016 and has been implemented jointly for 4 years (since 2018)
Safety, trust, health and support are essential in the changing demanding world. Compensa and CRBD wants to provide these values to all persons in our environment as an insurance company offering the best solutions and service standards, but also showing great responsibility, deep engagement and multidimensional care.
We believe we can make a change, through education and awareness. We can save lives.
Initiative date
Who was/is your target audience?
Children 0-16
Young adults 17-25
Car drivers
Car drivers – professional
Van drivers
Lorry/truck drivers
Micromobility riders
Powered two wheeler riders (excluding micromobility)
Knowledge building and sharing
Create awareness
Organisation details
Compensa TU SA Vienna Insurance Group
Contact name
Monika Frant
Telephone number
+48 519 065 411
Website link
Project activities
If you work together with external partners, list the most important partners and briefly describe their role.
Compensa in a partnership with Road Safety Centre in Łódź conducts since 2018 the social campaign „Bezpieczna Autostrada” (Safe Motorway), with the main purpose to increase safety on roads and motorways.
We collaborate with to prevent road accidents within the framework of principles of the Charter.
We collaborate with to prevent road accidents within the framework of principles of the Charter.
Please describe the project activities you carried/are carrying out and the time period over which these were implemented.
The main objective of the campaign is dissemination of knowledge among road users about safe travel as well as about first aid in case of accidents/emergencies
Visitors get trainings on first aid, they have the opportunity to perform health tests (healthy driver = safe driver), they also receive packages of materials.
Each events has special zones:
• First aid trainings - education on giving first aid to adults, giving first aid to children, providing first aid to infants.
• Preventive examinations: sugar level testing, vision tests for drivers (glare & visual field tests), blood pressure and saturation tests.
• Road safety education - education on: how to safely move on roads & highways; how our reflexes work (what happens when we talk on the phone while driving a care); how we behave under the influence of
• Education through playing for kids - our events are very popular among children: we educate on basic principles of safe street traffic, we teach how to provide first aid, we make people aware how to behave in emergency situations and react properly .
• Relaxation zone with massages for drivers - massages for adults, massages for children, we educate how important it is for drivers to rest while driving long
Over 1 million Poles are within the operating range of donated defibrillators (AED) in 2021.
We donated 12 defibrillators previous year, in 2022 till now we donated 6 defibrillators and during the current holidays we will donate next 10. We not only educate on first aid, but also provide a tool for it.
Visitors get trainings on first aid, they have the opportunity to perform health tests (healthy driver = safe driver), they also receive packages of materials.
Each events has special zones:
• First aid trainings - education on giving first aid to adults, giving first aid to children, providing first aid to infants.
• Preventive examinations: sugar level testing, vision tests for drivers (glare & visual field tests), blood pressure and saturation tests.
• Road safety education - education on: how to safely move on roads & highways; how our reflexes work (what happens when we talk on the phone while driving a care); how we behave under the influence of
• Education through playing for kids - our events are very popular among children: we educate on basic principles of safe street traffic, we teach how to provide first aid, we make people aware how to behave in emergency situations and react properly .
• Relaxation zone with massages for drivers - massages for adults, massages for children, we educate how important it is for drivers to rest while driving long
Over 1 million Poles are within the operating range of donated defibrillators (AED) in 2021.
We donated 12 defibrillators previous year, in 2022 till now we donated 6 defibrillators and during the current holidays we will donate next 10. We not only educate on first aid, but also provide a tool for it.
What has been the effect of the activities?
The campaign is Polish nationwide.
Our events have been carried out in the cities among Poland,
Our campaign is developing constantly, in 2022 we further extended its formula and from year to year we increase the zone, observing local needs. We increased the number of events to 16 (May-September).
The campaign has been evaluating over the years, it started with events on motorways (on service areas) and then the following year it was organized in cities to reach people who move on motorways and expressways. This year we are also focusing on cities, but 1/3 of the campaign is being carried out in holiday resorts, for examples on beaches to focus on drivers who are resting on vacation and in a few days will be returning home.
We are also expanding the zone and equipping cities with AED as part of the campaign. As part of the expansion, in addition to providing drivers with knowledge in the field of road safety and the principles of first aid, we have introduced a test zone, a massage zone and additionally this year a simulator zone: rollover simulator, collision simulator, educational aspect, raising awareness of road accidents.
In 2021 we performed over 10 000 health tests and detected various diseases, such as diabetes, eyesight defects among adults (drivers!) and kids or blood pressure problems.
Thanks to our action of in 2021, over 1 million Poles are within the reach of life-saving defibrillators.
We do not forget about children whose activeness in the zones is almost 50% / 50% with adults. And here, since the second year of the campaign, a large part of our zone are activities for children zone where we teach children how to safely move on the roads and how to properly provide first aid.
The Safe Motorway awarded in 2019 by the Günter Geyer Award for Social Conscience (competition organized in Austria of almost 50 insurance companies from 25 countries).
Our events have been carried out in the cities among Poland,
Our campaign is developing constantly, in 2022 we further extended its formula and from year to year we increase the zone, observing local needs. We increased the number of events to 16 (May-September).
The campaign has been evaluating over the years, it started with events on motorways (on service areas) and then the following year it was organized in cities to reach people who move on motorways and expressways. This year we are also focusing on cities, but 1/3 of the campaign is being carried out in holiday resorts, for examples on beaches to focus on drivers who are resting on vacation and in a few days will be returning home.
We are also expanding the zone and equipping cities with AED as part of the campaign. As part of the expansion, in addition to providing drivers with knowledge in the field of road safety and the principles of first aid, we have introduced a test zone, a massage zone and additionally this year a simulator zone: rollover simulator, collision simulator, educational aspect, raising awareness of road accidents.
In 2021 we performed over 10 000 health tests and detected various diseases, such as diabetes, eyesight defects among adults (drivers!) and kids or blood pressure problems.
Thanks to our action of in 2021, over 1 million Poles are within the reach of life-saving defibrillators.
We do not forget about children whose activeness in the zones is almost 50% / 50% with adults. And here, since the second year of the campaign, a large part of our zone are activities for children zone where we teach children how to safely move on the roads and how to properly provide first aid.
The Safe Motorway awarded in 2019 by the Günter Geyer Award for Social Conscience (competition organized in Austria of almost 50 insurance companies from 25 countries).
Please briefly explain why your initiative is a good example of improving road safety.
Road traffic today is inherently dangerous. Our campaign is defined as campaign with the goal to inform, persuade, and motivate a population to change its attitudes and/or behaviors to improve road safety. Our campaign is influencing road user behavior. We hope that in this way they will learn good habits.
We reach drivers on the roads, in cities or motorized tourists. We educate not only adults, but also children through play. Conscious children have an impact on the behavior of their parents. We educate in a holistic approach - we talk about safety and first aid, but also about prevention or relaxation.
We reach drivers on the roads, in cities or motorized tourists. We educate not only adults, but also children through play. Conscious children have an impact on the behavior of their parents. We educate in a holistic approach - we talk about safety and first aid, but also about prevention or relaxation.
How have you shared information about your project and its results?
The campaign is constantly publicized through national and local media, through social media(Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Tik Tok), through a dedicated website. And also during the events carried out through hostesses inviting local drivers, city residents and tourists to get involved. There are also competitions carried out by social media promoting knowledge. We engaged over 10 000 people in our quiz on Facebook and the first two materials on Tik Tok were watched by over 2 million people for 2 weeks)
Below are links to videos showing how the campaign looked like:
Below are links to videos showing how the campaign looked like:
Supporting materials