Initiative details
We had many road traffic accidents due to speeding.
Initiative date
Who was/is your target audience?
Children 0-16
Young adults 17-25
Car drivers
Car drivers – professional
Van drivers
Lorry/truck drivers
Powered two wheeler riders (excluding micromobility)
Create awareness
Organisation details
Local Public authority
Contact name
Elvira Zsinkai
Telephone number
Website link
Project activities
If you work together with external partners, list the most important partners and briefly describe their role.
ASTH Hungary Kft. - the company responsible for the system opgrading and operating.
Please describe the project activities you carried/are carrying out and the time period over which these were implemented.
We developed an application for car drivers. If a driver downloads the application and registers he/she can collect loyalty points by respecting the speed limits while driving. And not just the driver, but the passengers can also collect points (so called OBBCoins) also by using the app. In case of speeding the driver and the passenger can lose the daily points. Points can be awarded after a few kilometers without speeding. Users can redeem points for various discounts at the sponsors of the app.
Benefits of the app:
1) For the police: By analysing the GPS coordinates of the participants police can gain information of those areas and road sections where speeding is common. Speed checks can be organised on these points.
2) For drivers: no speeding=reward, no speeding=no penalty.
3) For passengers (especially for children): they can spend the OBBCoins for an avatar and change it anytime.
Benefits of the app:
1) For the police: By analysing the GPS coordinates of the participants police can gain information of those areas and road sections where speeding is common. Speed checks can be organised on these points.
2) For drivers: no speeding=reward, no speeding=no penalty.
3) For passengers (especially for children): they can spend the OBBCoins for an avatar and change it anytime.
What has been the effect of the activities?
We have just started the project and we don't have enough information to make an evaluation. What we expect from this application: the number of road accidents will decrease and people will keep the speed limit on the roads.
Please briefly explain why your initiative is a good example of improving road safety.
Not just the drivers but passangers can pay more attention on speed on the roads. By decreasing the speed the number of road traffic accident can decrease as well.
How have you shared information about your project and its results?
The project has its own website but we also shared the information on our other channels (see above).
Supporting materials