KLIK - preventive educational program

Initiative details

In search of their identity and autonomy, adolescents are often prone to disagreeing with adults and adopted rules of conduct under the pretext that their freedom is restricted. This life stage is characterized by consolidation of mental life, crystallization of attitudes and opinions and particularly by rational mental maturation. The described profile is one of the key reasons for risky behavior in traffic. The consequences are reflected in the statistics of traffic accidents in the Republic of Croatia. Young people from 15 to 24 years of age are one of the most vulnerable group in traffic. In the total number of road fatalities over the decade, adolescents have been involved in 16 - 21,5% and every second that died in car accident did not use a seat belt. All this included the need for continuous education and motivation in order to impose a pattern of responsible behavior in traffic, either as a passenger or driver. In 2016, HAK conceived and launched the project "KLIK - habit of responsible behavior" for adolescents.

Initiative date

Who was/is your target audience?

Young adults 17-25


Education in school or in community organizations

Organisation details

Hrvatski autoklub

Contact name

Kresimir Viduka

Telephone number


Website link

Project activities

If you work together with external partners, list the most important partners and briefly describe their role.

The program is carried out in high schools, colleges and universities, where local clubs occasionally join HAK and the Police. The project is subject to a theme based on "10 Golden Rules in traffic” created by Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile and Michelin. The KLIK is co-financed by the National Road Safety Program of the Republic of Croatia and in some steps by the FIA through Road Safety Grant Program.

Please describe the project activities you carried/are carrying out and the time period over which these were implemented.

The objective of the preventive educational program "KLIK - habit of responsible behavior" is acquisition of competences, understanding of safety and security measures and actions as pedestrian, driver or passenger , as well as development of skills for responsible and safe behavior in traffic. The acquired competences of senior pupils and students are used to promote responsible behavior in horizontal terms (transmission of information to other students) and in vertical terms (impact on possibly irresponsible parents - drivers). The project influences the behavior of high school students, the adoption and acquisition of positive attitudes regarding their vulnerability in traffic and, indirectly in a second step, ensures access to a wide range of citizens. The KLIK project is designed to be multilayered.
1. The first level is direct communication with adolescents in their schools http://www.hak.hr/sigurnost-u-prometu/prometna-preventiva/klik namely;
- Interactive lecture for graduates on the causes of traffic accidents (45 ')
- Practical drills on collision and roll-over simulators

2. The second level is realized through direct participation of young people in the creation of messages on responsible behavior in traffic. For seven years in a row, HAK invites young people up to 24 years of age to apply for a competition in creating video clips on responsible behavior in traffic https://www.hak.hr/vijest/1128/natjecaj-10-zlatnih-pravila-2022
3. The awarded video clips are published on the Program 1 of the Croatian Television "Transport Info" program (3 times a day) inviting viewers to behave responsibly in traffic.


What has been the effect of the activities?

The KLIK project strength is reflected in continuity and a wide range of adolescent population. The action is accomplished throughout the country, in small and large schools, from north to south, east and west, on land and islands.

• Before the pandemic caused by Covid 19, the KLIK program was on a flight in 2019 when it was realized in 110 high schools, universities and colleges, with more than 8000 pupils and students or a quarter of the graduation year population. After early March when the Covid 19 restrictions were lifted in less than two months about 500 students from 20 schools participated in the preventive-educational program.
• Over 350 works have been reported for the production of video clips over the past seven years.
• The awarded videos are continuously presented in the Program 1 of the Croatian Television "Transport Info" program, and this represents about 1,000 publications annually.

When launching the Program, our communication with schools was not simple as they were quite reserved in finding the time to implement the action. Nowadays the schools directly contact HAK and reserve their time needed to carry out the action.

The value of KLIK may best be explained through the National Road Transport Safety Program of the Republic of Croatia for the period 2021-2030 where KLIK is explicitly quoted as the program to be implemented in order to prevent the traffic related injuries and fatalities of young people.
We cannot say how many (young) lives have been saved thanks to the preventive educational program KLIK, but if we have (and we are certain that we have) saved even one life, we have done much.

Please briefly explain why your initiative is a good example of improving road safety.

In accordance with the potential of organizations that would be interested in a similar initiative, the process can be adapted relatively easily. The program must rely on experts who understand the problem of traffic accidents, who are eloquent enough to pass with passion the messages to young people. It should be noted that KLIK is not a commercial program, but funding for it and similar projects can be cumulated from different funds. HAK will be very happy to demonstrate to interested parties the implementation of KLIK in all the elements. Thanks to its role in the society, KLIK - the preventive educational program is relatively simple for implementation.

How have you shared information about your project and its results?

KLIK has acquired a high reputation at all levels (local, regional and national). The information about activities is shared on Radio, Television, Internet sites, professional meetings... Every day, short video clippings on the theme of responsible behavior in traffic, resulting from activities created in the project are shown in the TV show "Traffic Info". And the most important; students discuss among themselves about the messages from KLIK, they share the received information with their acquaintances, parents. The film about the KLIK is sent by Wetransfer (video message compilation sent to Wetransfer ERSC-helpdesk@Ricardo.com ).