Initiative details
The main challenges:
Quality training in traffic safety for children from 3 to 7 years of age to acquire basic knowledge and skills for moving in an urban environment. Formation of skills for dealing with critical situations
Quality training in traffic safety for children from 3 to 7 years of age to acquire basic knowledge and skills for moving in an urban environment. Formation of skills for dealing with critical situations
Initiative date
Who was/is your target audience?
Children 0-16
Micromobility riders
Knowledge building and sharing
Education in school or in community organizations
Organisation details
DG Osmi mart
School / Research centre
Contact name
Ivelina Atanasova
Telephone number
+359 882200204
Website link
Project activities
If you work together with external partners, list the most important partners and briefly describe their role.
In building the innovative educational environment we worked with the company "Imvesto" Ltd., which from the beginning helped us build the Children's Center for Road Safety and provided us with all the necessary electronic systems and equipment to make children's education as good as possible.
Please describe the project activities you carried/are carrying out and the time period over which these were implemented.
• Construction and equipment of a children's center for traffic safety with the most modern, modern, and innovative systems for training children in road safety in the yard and in the interior of the kindergarten.
Educational goal: Provoking children's activity through the change in the educational environment.
1. Construction of a real urban environment in which to have: dangerous and safe areas, pedestrian paths, bike lanes, road on which to move vehicles.
2. Realization of traffic in a real urban environment, through a children's traffic light system, which works according to the requirements of the Ordinance on the organization of traffic.
3. Building conditions for acquaintance with the horizontal and vertical marking.
4. Building skills for analyzing the road situation and making adequate decisions.
Expected results; knowledge, skills, attitudes; the child has formed competencies for:
Sensorimotor skills for protection:
1. Perception and differentiation of colors, shapes, movement, speed, and rest.
2. Perception and differentiation of noise from vehicles, the direction from which the noise comes, the distance, its source, etc.
3. Motor skills aimed at receiving the optimal amount of information - the movement of the body and head, determining the directions "left-right", "up and down".
Intellectual skills:
1. Readiness for orientation in a real road situation / three-year-olds need to know that they cannot go out on the road alone, to craft where they can cross the road, to be able to analyze their own behavior as a pedestrian or as a cyclist.
2. Skills to detect causal relationships between road phenomena.
3. Ability to react adequately in a complex situation.
Practical skills:
1. Skills for drawing up routes,
2. Skills to make decisions in a specific traffic situation as a pedestrian,
Perceiving the definition of skills as systems of actions related through certain relationships and aimed at solving different types of tasks, it is necessary to detail the main actions that are part of the skills of safe movement. As necessary obligatory actions that must be mastered by the trained children and performed in the course of the organized learning process on traffic safety. In the children's safety center the actions are marked in the real urban environment, by following the rules in the games the children learn absolutely independently in a very fun way, along the obligatory norms of actions.
1. Orienteering - has two main components:
1. A / Orientation in a real road situation, which includes perception and analysis of the information coming from the external environment, as well as one's own position in this situation. Having the opportunity to learn the signals of traffic lights, markings, and rules of conduct of road users, the child forms extremely important characteristics: attention, selectivity, vision, sensations of color, shape, distance, movement, hearing, coordination of motor reactions.
1. B / Decision-making for action. The decision-making process includes several consecutive operations: analysis of the situation, analysis of one's own position, selection of an alternative that meets the external and internal conditions, evaluation of the decision, and correction of the decision. During the training in the children's safety center, there is an opportunity to achieve automation of each operation, through repetitive exercises and bringing all participants into mutual connection.
1. The Children's Safety Center provides an excellent opportunity to assess the behavior of participants in the road situation, including their own behavior in terms of personal safety. The degree of the logic of the behavior of participants in the situation is assessed.
1. C / The Children's Safety Center forms self-control in the child. Helps the children's teacher to monitor and control situations, regulate children's actions and quickly and easily make adjustments to their actions.
1. E / The most important and important thing that this safety center gives children is the opportunity to discover the causal links and functional relationships between traffic lights, road markings, and the behavior of road users. Observing, analyzing, and correlating the behavior of different participants in a situation.
Thus introduced into a real urban environment, children manage to master the necessary skills for safe movement.
In the training on traffic safety in the kindergarten, it is extremely important that it is carried out not by the method of suggestion, but through practically emotionally saturated games, which have an extremely strong impact and form lasting and systematic knowledge and skills.
Therefore, the specialized learning environment for traffic safety, such as the Children's Safety Center, in addition to interesting, fun, and enjoyable and enables children to engage in favorite activities, such as: driving children's cars, riding bicycles, and scooters is also emotional. motivational. For an extremely short period of time, children acquire skills in games that are much more difficult and almost impossible to learn through books, boards, slides and other didactic materials. The traditional forms of teaching the curriculum have no chance before the emotionally saturated safety training in the children's center with extremely motivating activities for children and therefore it becomes a favorite place for children.
The level of education of children of different age groups in the children's safety center can be tested with different games on the following main indicators:
1. Emotional and motivational readiness of the child for training in traffic safety. Based on the paramount importance of learning and cognitive activity during a situation. An indicator of the level of emotional and motivational readiness is the spontaneous desire of children to participate in traffic safety classes on the playground for safety.
2. Organized subject environment, with play areas, intersections, footpaths, the availability of vehicles and houses, and shops are the next measure of children's knowledge of the subject environment and support their readiness to orient the following skills:
a / ability to analyze the road situation - by recognizing and naming the individual elements,
b / knowledge of the functions and the meaning of the individual elements,
c / skills for assessing the given situation, / as a special case is the ability to analyze one's own behavior as a pedestrian or cyclist /
d / skills for analysis of the behavior of the participants in a given situation,
Heavy traffic streets can be used to monitor the behavior of road users and to detect their mistakes, but it is too dangerous for children because of their impulsiveness and inability to make the right decision in a particular road situation. about one decare Children's Safety Center is a great opportunity to model in space the important elements of the road environment: streets, sidewalks, road markings, traffic lights, intersections, bicycles, and other vehicles to give children the idea of the real urban environment and be used in-game situations to train certain situations. It is possible to model situations in which non-compliance with the rules leads to conflict situations. Behavior should be formed in children that the rules are for everyone, so it increases the possibility that children can form a proper transport culture. In the role of a pedestrian, the child enters from an early age, but he feels safe because he is with their parents and relatives. He lacks social experience and finds it difficult to observe traffic lights, cars, the sidewalk, and other road users at the same time when crossing the street, so many exercises are needed to improve analytical skills and peripheral vision. It is becoming more and more important to start training in cycling and scooters, which have become so topical lately, as well as to develop protective mechanisms. The movement on the bike lane and the technical mastery of a bicycle and a scooter, the performance of various exercises such as movement in a straight line, zig-zag movement, and stopping increase the skills of children in a safe and secure environment. In the Children's safety center the child masters practical skills for refraining from impulsive reactions, and decision-making in a specific traffic situation. During the exercises in the Interactive Center, automation of each action is achieved through purposeful exercise, and skills for performing tasks in a changing environment are formed. One of the most desired toys from an early age for boys and girls is the baby stroller. The first training on driving with a baby stroller can be performed in the children's center. The children approach this activity with great responsibility and very strictly observe the horizontal and vertical markings as well as the signaling of the traffic lights and the countdown timers. In the organized educational environment for safety education and training, children learn to analyze the behavior of participants and build causal relationships about the dangers of the road. The opportunity for the child to improve his / her skills on the playground for four years helps him/her to form an attitude towards the road culture. As skills and attitudes improve, children gradually become more confident and independent.
• We have created an Internal Children's Safety Center for year-round and comprehensive training in traffic safety with children from all groups.
Tasks: 1. Provoking children's activity in a closed children's center, through an attractive and fun interior.
2. Creating an opportunity to work with small groups of children and multiple exercises to improve acquired skills.
3. The children's traffic light system provides an opportunity for integration of the skills and knowledge from other educational directions in the planned and additional activities for traffic safety.
4. Development of conditions for acquaintance with the horizontal and vertical marking.
5. Building skills for analyzing the road situation and making adequate decisions.
• Organizing and conducting a children's Olympiad
"I learn by playing, I live by knowing"
Technical rehearsals with the participants were held for the good performance of the teams upon prior request. To our joy, the children were well oriented, which confirmed our opinion that in the innovative educational environment, through games the child acquires practical, independent competencies and road culture.
Expected results: formation of knowledge, skills, attitudes - the child has formed competencies for:
1. Knowledge: formation of initial ideas about the road environment and about choosing a safe road.
2. Skills: demonstrates practical skills for crossing to a safe place;
for driving children's cars, bicycles, and scooters, for knowing the vertical and horizontal markings for safe behavior on the road.
3. Formation of transport culture and attitude towards road safety,
4. Relationships: successfully navigates the choice of a safe road in a relatively complex road situation. Nurtures tolerance and respect for others. He realizes life as a value to himself and to other participants in the movement.
Educational goal: Provoking children's activity through the change in the educational environment.
1. Construction of a real urban environment in which to have: dangerous and safe areas, pedestrian paths, bike lanes, road on which to move vehicles.
2. Realization of traffic in a real urban environment, through a children's traffic light system, which works according to the requirements of the Ordinance on the organization of traffic.
3. Building conditions for acquaintance with the horizontal and vertical marking.
4. Building skills for analyzing the road situation and making adequate decisions.
Expected results; knowledge, skills, attitudes; the child has formed competencies for:
Sensorimotor skills for protection:
1. Perception and differentiation of colors, shapes, movement, speed, and rest.
2. Perception and differentiation of noise from vehicles, the direction from which the noise comes, the distance, its source, etc.
3. Motor skills aimed at receiving the optimal amount of information - the movement of the body and head, determining the directions "left-right", "up and down".
Intellectual skills:
1. Readiness for orientation in a real road situation / three-year-olds need to know that they cannot go out on the road alone, to craft where they can cross the road, to be able to analyze their own behavior as a pedestrian or as a cyclist.
2. Skills to detect causal relationships between road phenomena.
3. Ability to react adequately in a complex situation.
Practical skills:
1. Skills for drawing up routes,
2. Skills to make decisions in a specific traffic situation as a pedestrian,
Perceiving the definition of skills as systems of actions related through certain relationships and aimed at solving different types of tasks, it is necessary to detail the main actions that are part of the skills of safe movement. As necessary obligatory actions that must be mastered by the trained children and performed in the course of the organized learning process on traffic safety. In the children's safety center the actions are marked in the real urban environment, by following the rules in the games the children learn absolutely independently in a very fun way, along the obligatory norms of actions.
1. Orienteering - has two main components:
1. A / Orientation in a real road situation, which includes perception and analysis of the information coming from the external environment, as well as one's own position in this situation. Having the opportunity to learn the signals of traffic lights, markings, and rules of conduct of road users, the child forms extremely important characteristics: attention, selectivity, vision, sensations of color, shape, distance, movement, hearing, coordination of motor reactions.
1. B / Decision-making for action. The decision-making process includes several consecutive operations: analysis of the situation, analysis of one's own position, selection of an alternative that meets the external and internal conditions, evaluation of the decision, and correction of the decision. During the training in the children's safety center, there is an opportunity to achieve automation of each operation, through repetitive exercises and bringing all participants into mutual connection.
1. The Children's Safety Center provides an excellent opportunity to assess the behavior of participants in the road situation, including their own behavior in terms of personal safety. The degree of the logic of the behavior of participants in the situation is assessed.
1. C / The Children's Safety Center forms self-control in the child. Helps the children's teacher to monitor and control situations, regulate children's actions and quickly and easily make adjustments to their actions.
1. E / The most important and important thing that this safety center gives children is the opportunity to discover the causal links and functional relationships between traffic lights, road markings, and the behavior of road users. Observing, analyzing, and correlating the behavior of different participants in a situation.
Thus introduced into a real urban environment, children manage to master the necessary skills for safe movement.
In the training on traffic safety in the kindergarten, it is extremely important that it is carried out not by the method of suggestion, but through practically emotionally saturated games, which have an extremely strong impact and form lasting and systematic knowledge and skills.
Therefore, the specialized learning environment for traffic safety, such as the Children's Safety Center, in addition to interesting, fun, and enjoyable and enables children to engage in favorite activities, such as: driving children's cars, riding bicycles, and scooters is also emotional. motivational. For an extremely short period of time, children acquire skills in games that are much more difficult and almost impossible to learn through books, boards, slides and other didactic materials. The traditional forms of teaching the curriculum have no chance before the emotionally saturated safety training in the children's center with extremely motivating activities for children and therefore it becomes a favorite place for children.
The level of education of children of different age groups in the children's safety center can be tested with different games on the following main indicators:
1. Emotional and motivational readiness of the child for training in traffic safety. Based on the paramount importance of learning and cognitive activity during a situation. An indicator of the level of emotional and motivational readiness is the spontaneous desire of children to participate in traffic safety classes on the playground for safety.
2. Organized subject environment, with play areas, intersections, footpaths, the availability of vehicles and houses, and shops are the next measure of children's knowledge of the subject environment and support their readiness to orient the following skills:
a / ability to analyze the road situation - by recognizing and naming the individual elements,
b / knowledge of the functions and the meaning of the individual elements,
c / skills for assessing the given situation, / as a special case is the ability to analyze one's own behavior as a pedestrian or cyclist /
d / skills for analysis of the behavior of the participants in a given situation,
Heavy traffic streets can be used to monitor the behavior of road users and to detect their mistakes, but it is too dangerous for children because of their impulsiveness and inability to make the right decision in a particular road situation. about one decare Children's Safety Center is a great opportunity to model in space the important elements of the road environment: streets, sidewalks, road markings, traffic lights, intersections, bicycles, and other vehicles to give children the idea of the real urban environment and be used in-game situations to train certain situations. It is possible to model situations in which non-compliance with the rules leads to conflict situations. Behavior should be formed in children that the rules are for everyone, so it increases the possibility that children can form a proper transport culture. In the role of a pedestrian, the child enters from an early age, but he feels safe because he is with their parents and relatives. He lacks social experience and finds it difficult to observe traffic lights, cars, the sidewalk, and other road users at the same time when crossing the street, so many exercises are needed to improve analytical skills and peripheral vision. It is becoming more and more important to start training in cycling and scooters, which have become so topical lately, as well as to develop protective mechanisms. The movement on the bike lane and the technical mastery of a bicycle and a scooter, the performance of various exercises such as movement in a straight line, zig-zag movement, and stopping increase the skills of children in a safe and secure environment. In the Children's safety center the child masters practical skills for refraining from impulsive reactions, and decision-making in a specific traffic situation. During the exercises in the Interactive Center, automation of each action is achieved through purposeful exercise, and skills for performing tasks in a changing environment are formed. One of the most desired toys from an early age for boys and girls is the baby stroller. The first training on driving with a baby stroller can be performed in the children's center. The children approach this activity with great responsibility and very strictly observe the horizontal and vertical markings as well as the signaling of the traffic lights and the countdown timers. In the organized educational environment for safety education and training, children learn to analyze the behavior of participants and build causal relationships about the dangers of the road. The opportunity for the child to improve his / her skills on the playground for four years helps him/her to form an attitude towards the road culture. As skills and attitudes improve, children gradually become more confident and independent.
• We have created an Internal Children's Safety Center for year-round and comprehensive training in traffic safety with children from all groups.
Tasks: 1. Provoking children's activity in a closed children's center, through an attractive and fun interior.
2. Creating an opportunity to work with small groups of children and multiple exercises to improve acquired skills.
3. The children's traffic light system provides an opportunity for integration of the skills and knowledge from other educational directions in the planned and additional activities for traffic safety.
4. Development of conditions for acquaintance with the horizontal and vertical marking.
5. Building skills for analyzing the road situation and making adequate decisions.
• Organizing and conducting a children's Olympiad
"I learn by playing, I live by knowing"
Technical rehearsals with the participants were held for the good performance of the teams upon prior request. To our joy, the children were well oriented, which confirmed our opinion that in the innovative educational environment, through games the child acquires practical, independent competencies and road culture.
Expected results: formation of knowledge, skills, attitudes - the child has formed competencies for:
1. Knowledge: formation of initial ideas about the road environment and about choosing a safe road.
2. Skills: demonstrates practical skills for crossing to a safe place;
for driving children's cars, bicycles, and scooters, for knowing the vertical and horizontal markings for safe behavior on the road.
3. Formation of transport culture and attitude towards road safety,
4. Relationships: successfully navigates the choice of a safe road in a relatively complex road situation. Nurtures tolerance and respect for others. He realizes life as a value to himself and to other participants in the movement.
What has been the effect of the activities?
The effectiveness of training at the Road Safety Center is a sustainable model that can continue to be improved and developed. It is a good practice that should be disseminated and shared. The evaluation of road safety results must be qualitative, not quantitative. The results are
equivalent to the knowledge, skills, and behavior achieved by each child. The use of well-organized education In order to achieve the best results in road safety training, the use of modern technologies and an innovative educational environment is extremely important, which stimulates the child to be active and improve their knowledge and skills.
equivalent to the knowledge, skills, and behavior achieved by each child. The use of well-organized education In order to achieve the best results in road safety training, the use of modern technologies and an innovative educational environment is extremely important, which stimulates the child to be active and improve their knowledge and skills.
Please briefly explain why your initiative is a good example of improving road safety.
Building a modern, innovative educational environment: Outdoor and indoor safety center, the use of interactive displays for children's education and STEM training are a guarantee of quality training process and a guarantee of achieving the best results. Investing in the material and technical base for safety training is an investment in able and knowledgeable children who follow the rules and are brought up in tolerance.
How have you shared information about your project and its results?
I have shared the results with colleagues from all over the country so that there are many better safety centers so that there can be year-round and full training. To raise a generation that knows the rules are for everyone. This is our goal - to build a society in which life is a value and tolerance is the norm. Only with responsible behavior can we reduce road traffic injuries, which are still a huge problem on a national and European scale.