The second ERSCharter webinar of the 2016-2019 charter edition was held on Friday 24th of November. As announced this webinar addressed the work-related road safety problematic through three presentations. Jacqueline Lacroix from DVR opened the webinar with a presentation of the work-related road safety data’s and the prevention work around this problem in Germany. During the second presentation Jacqueline O’Donovan discussed her company’s high standards in terms of fleet and driver’s safety, efforts that were awarded at the 2016 PRAISE-award ceremony. As last speaker, José Guilherme fleet manager at Portugal’s postal services (CTT-Correiros) presented his “new road safety programme” rewarded at the 2017 excellence in Road safety Award.
This webinar encountered a great success as more than 40 participants took part actively with very interesting questions and interventions. The PowerPoint presentations are available here.