We are proud to announce our finalists for the Excellence in Road Safety Awards 2021. The awards recognise contributions of the European Road Safety Charter's community of members towards the common goal of improved road safety across Europe.
We were delighted to receive a large number of applications of a very high standard from our Charter members, including schools, associations, enterprises, local authorities and research centres and would like to thank everyone that submitted an application. Your commitment to improving road safety is vital to achieving safer roads for all, and vision zero.
The applications were evaluated against six criteria: impact, measurability, transferability, innovative approach, visibility and continuity. The 13 shortlisted initiatives are focussed on delivering road safety through specific measurable actions in their areas of responsibility.
The winning initiatives will be chosen by our panel of expert judges and announced at the our awards ceremony on Thursday 18 November. Book your place here
The shortlisted finalists within each of our award categories are:
- AESLEME’s (Spain) campaign “if you control, you come back” aims to educate young people who may experience peer pressure to drive under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, or travel in a car with an intoxicated driver.
- Association Préventation Routière (France), together with its partner, the Group Renault Corporate Foundation, raises awareness of road safety hazards and the appropriate behaviours to adopt through an international platform for road safety, “Road4us”. This single website and easily accessible illustrations can be understood by nationalities and cultures around the world.
- Fundatia Siguranta Auto Copii’s (Romania) tackles the country’s high road fatality rates and low percentage of children appropriately restrained in cars. The “National Children Care Safety Caravan” offers parents, caregivers and children free child car safety classes and car seat installation instructions. The project rents free baby shells to new parents and recycles used car seats to transform into children’s furniture.
- Interpolis (The Netherlands) tackles the issue of teenagers using their mobile phones whist riding bikes (and later possibly on the road) via an emotional story portrayed in a music film and mini documentary launched online. Click here to watch
- Netun Solutions S.L. (Spain) aims to protect drivers who become pedestrians after leaving their vehicle following an accident or car problem. The “Help Flash” solution uses the V-16 light signal, rather than reflective triangles, which are easier to see and therefore helps to protect the driver and any passengers from passing traffic.
PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. (Poland) launched a social campaign: "Safe rail-road level crossing". Research shows that general knowledge about safety on railway's tracks and rail-road crossings in Poland is low, therefore the campaign focused on educating the right behaviours to tackle the high incidence of traffic accidents on railway crossings and the lack of compliance with railway track traffic safety rules.
TIER Mobility (EU wide) tackles drinking whilst riding an e-scooter using an “anti-drink-riding” app, which is active 9pm and 4am on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. If users have been drinking, an in-app notification directs them to book a taxi via a FREE NOW app.
Local / public authority
- Cork County Council (Ireland) highlights road safety in the community through a learning tool, the “Road Safety Virtual Reality Education model”. On evaluation 88% of participants said that having had this type of education they would now think twice about how they would behave in the future as a driver, passenger or pedestrian.
- Regional Directorate of Education (Madaira) aims to reduce road accidents through educating school children, teachers and other school staff, as well as parents and guardians and the surrounding civil community on the consequences and costs of road accidents, as well as to increase more sustainable mobility to build a true road safety culture.
- Transport Infrastructure Ireland (Ireland) has developed a new standard for compliance with road safety inspections (RSI). The programme, based on the standard, relies on a visual inspection along the route and targets engineers involved in the inspection process and other areas within an organisation that could benefit from a risk rating programme.
School / university
Fundacion Educatrafic (Spain) has designed practical training in the safe use of electric scooters, skateboards and Personal Mobility Vehicles (VMPs) to reduce the high percentage of related accidents. “Fundación Educatrafic” targets people from the age of 16 and the training takes place at a closed circuit to simulate an open road environment safely. Multiple scenarios are experienced from simulation goggles for alcohol consumption to balance tests.
m/d/r/k trusted adviser group sp z o.o. (Poland) provides knowledge and updated solutions that can be adopted for designing, operating and constructing tunnels in order to reduce the number of accidents and emergencies in tunnels. The initiative targets tunnel operators and local communities.
The NTUA Road Safety Observatory (Greece) supports the Greek and International Road Safety Community by providing open road safety knowledge and data gathered through their research activities. The target group is all road safety decision makers and stakeholders.
To learn more about these fantastic initiatives and to celebrate our chosen winners for the Excellence in Road Safety Awards 2021, please join us online on Thursday 18 November 2021, 3-6pm CET - Book here