Good practices

Our members are dedicated to improving road safety and sharing their knowledge with the wider community. Here, you can explore our members' good practices – initiatives that have been assessed for their effectiveness in addressing a road safety problem and have proven results. 

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Young drivers (up to 24 years of age) and drivers with less than 2 years of experience are heavily represented in statistics on traffic accidents with severe consequences. In 2018–2020, 20% of all accidents were caused by such drivers.
Until 2021, driving school students prepared for the final exams in order to be able to answer questions that were focused on road traffic regulations. However, despite answering the test questions correctly, the student often did not understand the meaning of many of them. This had a negative impact on the correct application of road traffic regulations on the road.
Therefore since 2021, we have been working with other organizations in order to push through a fundamental change in the concept of test questions during the final exams and adjust them to the technological progress in the area of visualization in real traffic situations, with increased focus on how road users perceive hazards, from the perspective of both car drivers and motorcyclists. The project outputs are gradually being implemented in the final exams by the Ministry of Transport and this activity will eventually affect at least 100 000 novice drivers every year. However, we know that the project outputs will reach other target groups as well (companies and the public) thanks to the project promotion in the media. Every year, the project will appeal to hundreds of thousands more drivers in the middle age group. E.g. parents of novice drivers.
Unsafety is the main reason for people not to cycle. What makes cycling unsafe? It can be due to both objective elements such as inappropriate infrastructure, but also subjective elements such as the behaviour of other road users. To get more people cycling, it is important to locate, identify and address both elements.
In an effort to achieve a permanent reduction in the number and consequences of traffic accidents, there are situations where it is not possible to further decrease the numbers, but the numbers of accidents and their consequences fluctuate around a certain constant. A strategy was developed due to better identification of the weak points in the transportation system of the Zlín Region. This strategy has become the key document of the region in the field of road safety, providing conceptual and planning guidelines for reducing the number and consequences of traffic accidents on roads in the Zlín Region. The strategic goal is to achieve halving the number of fatalities and severely injured persons in traffic accidents on roads by 2030, which means a 50% reduction compared to the average for the years 2017-2019. These goals are based on international commitments of the Czech Republic. The consistent implementation of traffic measures outlined in the action plan is determinative for achieving the strategic goals of the strategy.

The Action plan is divided into four pillars:
1. Road users
2. Infrastructure
3. Vehicle and technology
4. Coordination of the traffic safety (BESIP )

The action plan includes defined specific goals, concrete measures, and responsibility for implementing each traffic measure. The activities are complemented by financial requirements and completion deadlines. Within the action plan, there are implemented a several measures and activities such as reducing vehicle speed, eliminating traffic accidents and their locations, promoting advanced technologies, and informing the public about traffic safety activities.
During the development of the strategy, socio-economic characteristics of the region, budget, key conceptual documents, and alignment with the new national BESIP Strategy 2021-2030 were considered. The strategy was developed in line with other conceptual documents in the field of transportation in the Zlín Region, with the aim of establishing a unified concept for addressing road traffic safety in the region.
Personen mit geistiger oder körperlicher Beeinträchtigung haben oft Schwierigkeiten, sicher im Verkehr unterwegs zu sein und zu ihrer Arbeitsstelle oder Betreeungseinrichtung zu kommen. Durch diese fehlende Mobilitätskompetenz kommt es häufig zu gefährlichen Situationen und leider auch zu Unfällen.
Het overgrote deel van ons wegennet wordt beheerd door de steden en gemeenten. Zij hebben dan ook veel mogelijkheden om, samen met de lokale politie, de verkeersveiligheid te verbeteren. Vaak heeft een lokaal bestuur echter niet de expertise of de ruimte om sterk in te zetten op verkeersveiligheid en gebeuren de inspanningen ad hoc. Vanuit het traject Verkeersveilige Gemeente willen we de lokale besturen en de politiezones ondersteunen en begeleiden bij het uitwerken en implementeren van een structureel en geïntegreerd verkeersveiligheidsbeleid. We willen een verkeersveiligheidsreflex bij hen creëren. Om dit te realiseren, werkt de provincie Antwerpen samen met de vzw Ouders van Verongelukte Kinderen (OVK), de Federale diensten van de Gouverneur en de Vlaamse Stichting Verkeerskunde (VSV).
We geven de lokale besturen een intensieve begeleiding bij de opmaak van een eigen geïntegreerd verkeersveiligheidsactieplan en bieden hen ondersteuning op maat bij de implementatie ervan.
Het traject Verkeersveilige Gemeente heeft als doel het aantal verkeersslachtoffers zo snel mogelijk terug te brengen naar nul en streeft naar een sterk, geïntegreerd en volgehouden lokaal verkeersveiligheidsbeleid.