Between July and August 2018, the Prodriver Foundation together with Fundacja Za Kolkiem and the President of Tarnowski District and in cooperation with four communes from the district of Tarnów, carried out a social campaign called " Roads without Alcohol – II edition " – as a following step of the last year campaign realized during the holidays for tens of thousands of inhabitants of the region. The purpose of the campaign was to promote road safety with an emphasis on driver sobriety and civic education against the phenomenon of drunk drivers. Thanks to the use of innovative methods and tools, such as alco goggles, a rollover simulator, an alcometer, a safety driving simulator, or a filmed experience comparing sober and alcohol driving, it was possible to present the issue in an interesting and accessible manner and thus effectively reach the awareness of the audience. In addition, during the campaign participants were able to get acquainted with many of the most useful tips for every driver: - first aid rules for road accident victims, - techniques to stop drunk driver and the law in this matter, - rules of using a car extinguisher. All the action took place in four one-day happenings organized during outdoor events in the following localities: - July 7 - Zakrzów; July 22 - Isep; - August 24 - Żabno;- August 26 - Zakliczyn. The partners of the action was also the Police Municipal Headquarters in Tarnów as well as the Tarnów Rescue Services. We sincerely thank all partners and co-organizers for their cooperation!