Landesverkehrswacht Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.

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Organisation name

Landesverkehrswacht Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.

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Describe your organisation

The Landesverkehrswacht Sachsen-Anhalt is an umbrella association for the local and regional Verkehrswachten in Saxony-Anhalt and also implements at the same time own target group oriented and topic specific projects.

23 local Verkehrswachten are among our members in Saxony-Anhalt. As a nonprofit organisations we are making together a contribution to make our roads safer und to reduce the number accident victims in our Bundesland.

The focus of our work is the human being. We are working along different target groups and define and classify road users according to age und type of road using, for example preschool children, young drivers, senior drivers or handicapped people. Any of these target groups is characterised due to potential and specific dangers, which should be tackled by implementing the programs for these specific target groups.

As a member of the Deutsche Verkehrswacht in its function as umbrella association for more than 500 local and regional Verkehrswachten in Germany we are part of 70.000 people who are mainly working on voluntary basis. Due to these people we are capable to reach around 2.500.000 participants in Germany per annum.
