Iain MacSween

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Iain MacSween

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Black Box Insurance Reviews have been following and reporting on the emerging black box insurance market for nearly four years now and have managed to collate that information and bring it to you in an concise, constructive and impartial way. We deliver the truth, the facts about black box insurance and how it will affect you, we give you unbiased reviews on all the major providers and up to date facts figures and information for you to disseminate and make your mind up on whether or not this type of insurance is for you.

We have been studying this market for the past four years and are confident that if certain criteria are met then black box insurance will actually become a tool for enriching your driving experience. Far from becoming the overlord who monitors and punishes miscreant drivers it will become an interactive driving tool that aids and abets your driving experience. It will educate and inform drivers on how to get the best performance from their car whist driving at the optimum speed and fuel efficiency for the road and conditions that they are on.


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