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Explore our resources below including projects, documents, presentations, videos and more, all focused on improving road safety. 


The EU is introducing a harmonised licence model and minimum requirements for obtaining a licence. This should help to keep unsafe drivers off Europe's roads - wherever they take their driving test. 
The goal of SUPREME was to collect, analyse, summarise and publish best practices in road safety in the Member States of the European Union, as well as in Switzerland and Norway. This document is a collection of best practices at national scale and aims to present the project’s results to national/…
Roadside objects struck by powered two wheelers.Study focuses on one road user group that is known to be particulary vulnerable to interactions with roadside objects, namely motorcicle, moped and scooter riders, also known as powered two wheeler (PTW) riders.
Otto cartoni animati sulla sicurezza stradale per evidenziare le principali situazioni di rischio generate da comportamenti sbagliati alla guida. Otto storie di ordinaria insicurezza raccontate con un mezzo, il cartone animato, che diverte, ma che fa riflettere e sollecita a rispettare le regole al…
  Watch this short film introducing Global Plan - Pillar 5: Post-crash Response