The Village of Safe and Sustainable Mobility

Initiative details

DEKRA Italia, as a leading road safety company, faces several challenges and problems to raise awareness of the issue and reduce the number of accidents and deaths. One of the main ones is the increasing presence of driving distractions, such as cell phone use or lack of attention to the road due to fatigue or stress.
Our daily commitment is to raise awareness about the consequences of these bad habits and to promote responsible driving behavior.

In Italy in particular in the last year, there is a high number of road accidents especially among the younger generations: in this sense, our Mission is to raise awareness on proper road education among the youngest, but also aiming to include all age groups in order to change their cultural asset, values and habits in order to support the growth of a generation of future drivers inspired by safety and sustainability. By 'playing' from an early age with road safety and proactively exercising young people on the golden rules of safe driving, we are sure to contribute to future drivers being ready for the challenges on safety and sustainability of the cities of the future, between micro- and macro-mobility.

Initiative date


Who was/is your target audience?

Policy makers
Public authorities
Children 0-16
Young adults 17-25
Micromobility riders
Powered two wheeler riders (excluding micromobility)


Create awareness
Education in school or in community organizations

Organisation details

DEKRA Italia

Contact name

Lavinia Ceccarelli

Telephone number

+39 338 7587662

Website link

Project activities

Please describe the project activities you carried/are carrying out and the time period over which these were implemented.

Inside the park, in a space of more than 1,000 square meters, we have designed and implemented a unique and innovative format designed for students, schools, teachers, children and families as well as companies and stakeholders to share the topics of road safety, sustainable mobility and mobility of the future through workshops and educational laboratories.

The event is an opportunity to create synergies between different entities in the industry, promoting collaboration and knowledge exchange, contributing to safe, efficient and environmentally responsible transportation.

Our space included several trails and expert talks that enabled visitors of all ages to learn about and experience sustainable mobility and become ambassadors for road safety.

The planned activities were divided into steps (first learn, then testify) in a virtuous path:


• Play Safety:, a fun drawing workshop on safety and sustainability for all children ages 3 to 6,

• Join Safety: a workshop on how to move safely on the road and on a bicycle, ideal for ages 7 to 11,

• Drive Safety: from 12 years old visual simulator test that brings to life the risks of drunk driving,

• Smart Mobility, the laboratory of the future, to discover the secrets of light and sustainable mobility, accessible to all age groups,

• Smart Safety: emergency management in the event of an accident, set to the various ages of audience (young children, youth, adults, disabled, etc.).


Track 1

• For children 3 to 6 years old: a walking track with traffic lights, signals, obstacles to familiarize themselves with the road safely.

Track 2

• For children 7 to11 years old test with bike path, guided by instructor

Track 3

• From 12 years old test on e bike in dedicated course with obstacles, supported by our Experts

At the end of the course, the lucky and determined people who followed all the steps were given a souvenir photo to take home with friends or family, with a fun DEKRA-branded Photoboot with sustainability and safety-themed backgrounds.
An electric car simulator was present, as well as a sleep stroke simulator course.
These activities were staged in our booth to allow adults to experience these sensations, and to make them aware of the dangerous effects.
The state Police supported our initiative by providing a driving simulator, which explained proper driving behaviors. All in all, we are proud and grateful for the opportunity of collaboration with civil forces.

In terms of implementation, what worked well and what challenges did you need to overcome?

With the goal that everything would be executed efficiently and professionally to create a memorable experience for all visitors and future DEKRA Safety Ambassadors, we chose to include about 45 DEKRA employees with the different expertise in the various focal points of the village in the event in order to create an opportunity for them to share their expertise in a different field and also involve them socially in the process of giving back to the community.
Therefore, one of the main challenges we had to overcome was managing resources and coordinating the work of a multidisciplinary team in such a large space for the first time. It was necessary to constantly make sure that everyone had a clear role and responsibility within the project, and that they were able to collaborate effectively to achieve the established goals.
Timing and budget management was undoubtedly a relevant topic: through rigorous planning and management, as well as constant monitoring of expenses, we were also able to ensure the financial success of the event.

If you work together with external partners, list the most important partners and briefly describe their role.

To implement some of the functional areas that were included in the project, we relied on partners from Mobility in Italy, given their specific expertise.

The Smart Mobility area was managed by our strategic partner Cooltra, a leader in Europe in sustainable mobility on two wheels, which, with the support of Terravision and Elerent, made visitors experience sustainable mobility firsthand and discover the different solutions that are becoming increasingly popular in our cities, such as scooters and electric scooters.
The focus of the SMART SAFETY area was given to the Policlinico Gemelli Foundation and Cattolica University, Rome's largest hospital and university hub, with the aim of informing the public about basic first aid techniques and assistance in road accidents.

Visitors to our DEKRA Village were able to witness various interventions by physicians and paramedics involved in the management of trauma and imminently dangerous situations (e.g., de-escalation, intoxication, domestic trauma, etc.).

Finally, to teach younger children and teens about proper behavior and the hidden dangers of the road, the Italian Motorcycle Federation, with a team of about 10 federal instructors, was involved in the project with dedicated training and entertainment areas.


Please summarise how you have evaluated the initiative’s impact (e.g. social media reach, survey, feedback forms, statistics).

To evaluate the impact of such initiative, we used an integrated and multichannel approach. One of the first key indicators we wanted to take account for was the number of participants during the 4-day initiative: thanks to badges that we gave to our visitators at the entrance of the village, it was possible to have real-time feedback as well. The results exceeded our expectations: over 5,000 people of all ages dropped by and participated in our workshops. Our initiative was picked up by more than 260 Italian and nationwide media (print, TV, and web), attesting to its significant impact and relevance. Italian newspapers such as La Repubblica, Il Messaggero, and Rai News, Italy's main public television company, which dedicated tv reports for the various aspects of the initiative, emphasizing its importance for the country.

Fifteen posts on our social media channels were dedicated to the initiative, and the best content recorded a 38.03% engagement rate. There was also a spike in new followers on the days of the initiative (43.8% more in mid-April than the average percentage growth). In total, the growth was over 1,700 new followers.

This prompts us to make The DEKRA Village of Safe and Sustainable Mobility a best practice to be repeated!

What has been the effect of the activities?

Thanks to the initiative, it was possible to raise awareness and inform a large group of citizens about very different aspects of safety: e-mobility, first aid, safe driving, road education, coexistence, etc.

The greatest impact was felt particularly on the younger generations: thanks to the different workshops included in the initiative, DEKRA Italia proposed informative but at the same time fun activities tailored to children and young people.

The resonance registered at the level of prestigious national press made us appreciated and known by many citizens, in addition to schools.

This initiative is part of our road safety awareness activities for new generations, which we have been constantly carrying out, in collaboration with agencies and authorities (for example the Italian Police Dep., trade associations) in schools, municipalities, etc., always accompanied by our expertise and our red cap.

Please briefly explain why your initiative is a good example of improving road safety.

The project includes the construction of a 'smart itinerary' built to transfer road safety rules and put them into practice: through interactive activities, demonstrations, and workshops, we made people experience firsthand how road safety and respect for the environment are closely related. This holistic approach to road safety education can contribute significantly to reduce the number of road accidents and their consequences, as well as educating new generations to be more aware and culturally ready.
The idea of pursuing similar projects in collaboration with public institutions, government agencies, national trade associations, and in partnership with other companies in the industry could be significant in actively engaging the community in promoting safe behaviors on the road.

How have you shared information about your project and its results?

The media coverage of the event related to the inaugural ribbon cutting of the “DEKRA Village of Safe and Sustainable Mobility” was significant. The ceremony was handled by our President Toni Purcaro accompanied for the occasion by President Elisabetta Olivieri of Autostrade per Italia, Filiberto Mastrapasqua Director of the Traffic Police Service and Hon. Davide Bordoni Advisor to Deputy Prime Minister Sen. Salvini for the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transportation.

The various public figures that were present at the initiative helped to emphasize the Village initiative and reinforce our message of collective commitment to the safety and sustainability of our roads.

Some of the most significant releases include: Three reports on Rai News 24 broadcast in different time slots on Saturday, April 20 and Sunday, April 21 with the creation of a video interview with Toni Purcaro at the Village of Safe and Sustainable Mobility, a report on TGR Lazio with ample space dedicated to the Village of Safe and Sustainable Mobility , an interview on Rai Play of Toni Purcaro at the Panel on Mobility at the Fuksas Cloud.

There was, in addition, coverage in national and trade media. Among the most important releases were: Il Sole 24 Ore, La Repubblica, La Stampa, Il Messaggero, Libero Quotidiano, Il Tempo, Quotidiano Nazionale, Affari Italiani, Il Secolo XIX, Borsa Italiana, Askanews, Il Giornale di Italia, Agenzia Dire, Vatican News, Teleborsa,, Il Gazzettino, La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, Leggo, Tiscali, Il Roma, Il Mattino, Rete Sole, Il Denaro, Agenzia Nova, Italpress.

Undoubtedly, in view of the large and loyal fan base, social posts and news on the website were also a great booster of the initiative, which was placed on the page dedicated to our activities with institutional and social mold.

Supporting materials