A/S „SEB banka”

Member since: January 2022
Submitted by No name or org… (not verified) on

What are you doing/aiming to do for road safety?

Actual and planned road safety activities of SEB banka are focused on driving culture, which includes both issues related to traffic regulations and courteous behaviour on the road.
The objective of SEB banka is to define the psychological profile of the Latvian driver to more efficiently address road traffic safety issues. In order to meet this goal, SEB banka will cooperate with experts in traffic safety and psychologists and will use poll results from market and opinion research centres. Depending on the poll results, we will develop campaigns approximately six months in length.
We are organising the following events from May to November 2010:
1. We will involve mass media to make the issue known to a broad audience and to encourage discussions. We plan to reach approximately 500 000 people.
2. We will invite traffic experts and the responsible organisations to cooperate in the project.
3. We will create and distribute an interactive survey and traffic safety advice through the electronic environment and mass media.
4. We will choose 100 persons from survey participants from across Latvia who will receive theoretical and practical training in safe and courteous driving.
5. We will choose 5 000 persons from among survey participants across Latvian who will receive theoretical training.
6. We will print and distribute 100 000 brochures in the largest Latvian cities with recommendations on how to improve the driving culture.
7. We will analyse all poll and training results and publish a psychological portrait of the Latvian driver.
8. At the end of 2010, we will evaluate the project and consider actions for following years to gradually improve characteristics of Latvian drivers. In the coming years, we will consider the possibility of performing other events that would focus on the aspects drivers can improve themselves.

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