
Initiative details

The Mobilidata program addresses the lack of centralized, timely and qualitative real time traffic warnings in the G2B2C ecosystem.

To fulfil the need of road users to receive and be able to cooperate with (return) real time traffic warnings, Mobilidata implemented for the entire Flanders- region and on the entire public road network the European defined C-ROADS standardized Cooperation model of C-ITS or Cooperative ITS. In Mobilidata 31 different use cases are addressed – see overview of all use cases under 7.2 -images

Mobilidata is the Flanders hub where real time road safety related information comes together from these sources:
• Governmental regional and local level: e.g. roadside infrastructure like traffic controllers, variable message signs,
• Private/corporate level: e.g. Directive 2010/40/EU, EU specified SRTI (safety related traffic information) - vehicle sensor based real time warnings.
• Road user ‘community’ based: Events reported, and event feedback generated by road users.

Each of these 3 source information systems has its strengths and weaknesses, offering a neutral environment where they can be combined and distributed to all interested in a non-commercial setting is possible in a road-safety promoting context.

Road safety information in Mobilidata can be clustered in 3 subgroups per topic in the 29 on-street use case list + an extra subgroup of 2 off-street policy related use cases:
• Road regulation & policies
• Warnings / dangerous situations
• Connected infrastructure / traffic lights

Initiative date


Who was/is your target audience?

Policy makers
Public authorities
Children 0-16
Young adults 17-25
Company employees
Fleet operators
Car drivers
Car drivers – professional
Educational staff
Emergency services
Public transport
Van drivers
Lorry/truck drivers
Micromobility riders
Powered two wheeler riders (excluding micromobility)


Improve vehicles and infrastructure

Organisation details

Interuniversitair Micro-Electronica Centrum vzw (IMEC)
School / Research centre
Flanders, Belgium

Contact name

Ann Matheve

Telephone number

+32 473 94 24 24

Project activities

If you work together with external partners, list the most important partners and briefly describe their role.

The Mobilidata program team:

- AWV - Agentschap Wegen en Verkeer : Flanders Road & Traffic Agency: contracting authority, implementation lead for the cooperative/connected traffic lights, but also for this new kind of digital (C-ITS) infrastructure as a whole.
- dMOW - Departement Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken: Flemish department of mobility and public works: Policymaker, and responsible to integrate Mobilidata in Flemish mobility framework.
- imec: Program-management and R&D tasks
- EWI: Departement Economie, Wetenschap en Innovatie: Flanders innovation and entrapeneurship department: funding partner
- CEF: Connecting Europe Facility: funding partner
Contracted project partners:
• Framework Traffic light controller contractors:
Swarco, Yunex, Royal Haskoning DHV
• Mobilidata Core platform partners: Be-Mobile (consortium leader and central platform contractor), Bosch Mobility (wrong way driving detection).
• Mobilidata app’s partners: Flitsmeister (FM app), Ndrive (KartaGPS app) , Be-Mobile (Sway app)
• Mobilidata Monitoring and Evaluation partners: TMLeuven, Tractebel, Movias

Please describe the project activities you carried/are carrying out and the time period over which these were implemented.

The 7 work packages of the Mobildata program were/are

• WP 1 Strategy: stakeholder consultations and scope exploration. Completed end 2020.
• WP 2 Specification: Scoping and tendering of 3 subprojects in WP 3, 4, 5 and 6. Started halfway WP1 and completed end 2021
• WP 3, 4, 5: The central platform projects: Split in the Central Cloud based platform, data/information preparation and the tender for a first public service provider solution including road user solutions (applications/apps). Started after WP2 (early 2022) and will be fully completed Q3 2024
• WP 6: Project/framework contract for launching and deploying the new generation of ITLC Intelligent cooperative/connected Traffic Light Controllers. Started in 2022, and is still Ongoing since it is a framework contract to deploy the
• WP 7: R&D projects, serving to prepare Mobilidata for C-ITS oriented towards active road users (cyclists and pedestrians).. Started in 2020 and was completed end 2022.

Specifics per work package:

• WP1 Strategy

Setting up a program with large stakeholder diversity (see the ecosystem overview picture under 7.2 images) takes a lot of consultation effort. This was done in the first year of Mobilidata, 3 consultation directions were taken: Government actors, Industry actors and road users. Based on this consultation a long list of approximately 120 use cases was inventoried and scored by the program team. This led to the final selection of the 31 use cases for Mobilidata.

• WP2 Specification

The findings of the strategy exercise were translated in the necessary tenders to realise the different parts of Mobilidata. Given the program complexity, innovation procurement with negotiation stage was chosen for the core parts tendering of Mobilidata, and a framework contract tender for the ITLC- traffic light related project. In the ITLC framework contact multiple solution-suppliers/contractors were selected for the different components of the ITLC.

• WP3-4-5 Mobilidata core (cloud based central system)

The central system: Cloud based central hub where the road safety related information from different sources and per use case are collected, validated, merged and redistributed. Depending on the use case information is coming from government and/or Industry and/or user-communities. The interconnector is called the Mobilidata Interchange. The Mobilidata core systems including the Mobilidata Interchange are operational since mid 2023.
To get the 29 on-street use cases (as to be found on the added use case image) WP2 is covering all tasks to get Governmental and Industry data sources connected to Mobilidata. The last information source of WP2 (SRTI collected by car-OEM’s)was connected Q1 2024.
In Mobilidata connecting 3 Road User apps is part of the tender. Flitsmeister and KartaGPS apps for car/truck drivers an the Sway app for cyclists. These 3 are all available for free in the Belgian region Android Playstore or Apple Appstore.
Of in the total 29 use cases for road users, the last 5 are to be made operational in July 2024 before being completed.

• WP6 ITLC-traffic light related projects

Framework contract, with as goal to have 250 Flemish intersections converted to the new cooperative/ connected ITLC. Current status: 130 intersections completed, interacting with Flitsmeister and KartaGPS connected road users.

• WP 7: R&D related projects,

3 innovation supporting projects led by imec. These were chosen to help promote C-ITS for Active Road users and act as inclusion supporting research. The were completed in 2022- see the compilation video under Supporting material.

Please consult added supporting materials for more information.

In terms of implementation, what worked well and what challenges did you need to overcome?

In Mobilidata technically all went well thanks to the many years C-ROADS preparatory work in standardisation and piloting. Also, close collaboration with the Dutch C-ITS initiative ‘Talking Traffic’ gave the architectural inspiration for the Mobilidata C-ITS platform with more C-ITS use cases than ever.

The challenges:
startup of a new cooperative information ecosystem in a G2B2C setting is challenging.
On Governmental side the tendency is to wait until there is a clear demand/readiness by real time traffic information industry.
Industry on its side awaits a clear signal from government for long-term commitment to this new ecosystem in an operational form and with relevant international coverage to be expected within reasonable delay.

This is why the Flanders region decided to move first and go for C-ITS deployment with the Mobilidata program and make it part of Flanders digital road infrastructure. Without formal commitments by industry to take part when completed.

Thie situation of non-warranted industry adoption levels at the end of the program weighs on the transition for road authorities to evolve from a mortar&bricks (roads&bridges) organisation to also a digital / online / real-time road user connected organisation. In depth transition management is needed to get existing organisations and regional divisions to accept and adapt.

Privacy: GDPR regulation is handled at minimal compliance levels by information industry, and this is the level that the average road user is used to today: hardly noticeable acceptance processes of sharing personal data. At governmental side on the other hand, exemplary maximal compliance to GDPR regulation is aimed for. This is good for the end user: maximal privacy protection. Unfortunately, sometimes the opposite effect is obtained. Proactive and correct communication on privacy settings and data protection efforts as intended by GDPR and applied by Mobilidata leads to mistrusting the system, and higher unwillingness rates to participate (share information).


Please summarise how you have evaluated the initiative’s impact (e.g. social media reach, survey, feedback forms, statistics).

The level of effectiveness of a new operational real time information ecosystem like Mobilidata lies in its uptake. This means that Mobilidata as such need not be known by the road user himself. They must be able to choose a vehicle (with on board information system) or a smartphone application in which Mobilidata information is tailored to the need and travel mode of the moment. Different modes of transportation – different needs – different solutions possible. Mobilidata has no proprietary end user interface. Government made end-user applications are rarely successful, Mobilidata lets commercial partners handle the specialised tasks of customized User Interfacing and tailored community building.

The addressed Mobilidata audience is thus in first place the real time traffic information industry. These convert the road safety information in ready to be consumed solutions for their targeted customer groups.

In second place, on data providing (local governmental) side, it is useful to stakeholder-engage as well, to expand, intensify (quality) and diversify information availability. The more industry (primary Mobilidata target group) is using information, the easier it is to motivate local communities to participate.

To measure Mobilidata’s impact, thes following common metrics are available:

• Mobilidata website – number of unique visitors (4.200 in 2023)
• Mobilidata LinkedIn – number of followers in 2023 (1.522) and post impressions (105.000).
• Mobilidata stakeholder events – number (1 in 2023) and attendants (75)
• Mobilidata Press conferences – number (2 in 2023: ITLC priority handling, Wrong way driver warning) and types of press presence and coverage.
• Mobilidata presence on trade shows – e.g. 2023 ITS Belgium, ITS Europe.

The real measure of impact is/will be the number of (also non-funded) new partners using the Mobilidata interchange. 2024 is the year of completion of the platform, but even without being complete just yet, See the connections are active/or under construction in the next item 5.1.

What has been the effect of the activities?

The on-street safety improving effect is the main driver behind any road safety initiative. Mobilidata has current list of connected applications used on Flanders’ streets and their MAU (monthly active users) as communicated by the respective application owners:

1. Service provider Be-Mobile: Connections/impact
a. Flitsmeister app 150.000 MAU in car environment in Flanders
b. Karta GPS app: 12.000 MAU in car environment
c. Newly launched SWAY bicycle app: 100 MAU

2. Connection to fire brigade Ghent (pilot use case priority emergency services): approx. 10 fire trucks/ambulances

3. Connection to Public Transport operator ‘De Lijn’

4. Connection to EU project Antwerp/Helmond – test users only

5. Connection to Flanders Traffic control centre (wrong way driving)

6. Connection to Service provider Tripservice: Intermediate towards Waze, Google, TomTom – number of users: no information provided.

Other connections are under negotiation, among which Car-OEM, Truck Fleet management system providers, and GAFAM.

The effect of providing real time traffic information to individual road users the road safety statistics is being measured in the Mobilidata monitoring and evaluation efforts. These started 3/2024 and run until end 2024.
Current trends observed/measured:

Qualitative Evaluation
Are warnings ‘noticed’ by road users and are they appreciated as adding value in the safe travelling experience: approx. 70% of interviewed users see and appreciate as helpfull the notifications provided

Quantitative Evaluation
How much reaction is measurable after providing warnings to roadworks/traffic jams,... Preliminary result indication today: speed reductions by informed road users are measured, but current test samples not yet sufficient for statistically relevant conclusion and result publication.

Please briefly explain why your initiative is a good example of improving road safety.

The need for centralised road safety enhancing real time information systems is increasing. Growing road usage density, travel mode diversity, and regulation complexity requires reliable digital support channels tailored to individual road users’ needs. The C-ITS cooperative solution technology has long time been prepared. Now is the time to put it into practice. During the 5-year program we have observed governmental and private actors professionalising their attitude and solutions towards C-ITS operations.

The Mobilidata program teams is happy to support and collaborate with other EU C-ITS regions in exchanging best practices, practical operation insights, share testing infrastructure, (technical) documentation and organise industry introductions. It is in Mobilidata’s interest to increase EU territorial coverage of C-ITS.

The main takeaway is: go for C-ITS deployment everywhere – the road users need more and better digital support for safer roads.

How have you shared information about your project and its results?

Basis of project dissemination are the channels as already mentioned under topic 5.0 impact evaluation:

• Mobilidata Website in Dutch and English
• Mobilidata LinkedIn channel in Dutch and English
• Mobilidata stakeholder events, reaching mainly local stakeholders.
• Mobilidata Press conferences and press releases – oriented to Belgian Media.
• Mobilidata presence on events trade shows - presence on ITS/mobility oriented events, local and international ITS Europe, ITS Belgium, Intertraffic Amsterdam, Smart City Expo Barcelona.

As for stakeholder management/engagement in general, Mobilidata has a dedicated Stakeholder manager team. Having a direct point of contact per topic has proven to be an efficient way of working and works best in longer term relation building.
The Team:
• ITLC (traffic controller) stakeholder managers – Erika Decorte (AWV) and Casper Moerbeek (AWV ext)
• Local Authorities and Monitoring&Evaluation partners – Lars Akkermans (imec ext)
• Private partner manager and overall stakeholder coordinator – Bart Lowyck (imec)