Latvian Medical Students' Association (LaMSA)

What are you doing/aiming to do for road safety?

Latvian Medical Students' Association is planning to prepare lectures for teenager pupils about road safety. During our lectures we will talk about drink and drive (also on bicycles) and raise awareness of safe pedestrian and cyclist behaviour. Lectures will be prepared in PowerPoint format. After the lectures the audience will complete a test on traffic safety issues. In the end of the lesson the lector will read the correct answers and point out again why these answers are correct. Depending on the obtained funding and cooperation partners, we will spread booklets and other handouts during these lectures. The content of the test will be developed in cooperation with lecturers and other association members. Depending on the amount of pupils, feedback from teachers and pupils, and the amount of correct answers we will modify the test in order to insure the best understanding of the content.
We plan to conduct road safety awareness campaigns also during other events, paying special attention to informing the public about the effect of alcohol and other intoxicating substances from a medical point of view, about possible consequences of injuries and about injury mechanisms.
We will consider the possibility of including road safety educational games in our project that we run for children, "The Teddy bear hospital", in order to teach young children through games how to behave safely on the street.

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