Jump into the cab

Initiative details

This campaign is an awareness campaign aimed at raising awareness of the forces behind trucks and the challenges they pose in traffic. The purpose of the campaign is to improve the working environment on the road and increase traffic safety by focusing on awareness and behavior in traffic. The messages are delivered through 3 episodes, 1 cut of, and 1 hero film. Each episode addresses different situations, such as a reversing truck, right-hand turns, the power of the truck, behavior in traffic etc.

The campaign has been designed based primarily on the partners' wish that the business world contributes to traffic safety on Danish roads and cycle paths. Every year, for example, thousands of cyclists in Denmark are injured in traffic.

According to new figures from the researchers, the risk of being seriously injured or losing your life on a bicycle has increased since 2016, while the risk for virtually all other road users has decreased.

Cyclists and pedestrians encounter trucks in many different situations. This ranges from overtaking on the country road, to e.g. reversing and right-hand turns in urban areas.

Initiative date


Who was/is your target audience?

Children 0-16


Create awareness

Project activities

Please describe the project activities you carried/are carrying out and the time period over which these were implemented.

The framework for the campaign is a series of short film messages for young people between the ages of 13-16, which can make visible the power and challenges of lorries in traffic.

The campaign in year 1 has been run over 6 weeks in April/May 2023 on social medias TikTok, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram as an "awareness" campaign for 13-16-year-olds throughout Denmark through video views and reach on social media.

In year 2 the campaign has been run as an reach campaign because of restrictions on Social Media. The campaign ran for four and a half weeks April/May 2024 on Snapchat and YouTube.

In terms of implementation, what worked well and what challenges did you need to overcome?

At the end of 2023, restrictions were introduced on how to reach young people under the age of 18 on social media. Therefore, we had to change the strategy for which channels we used and how we were going to reach them.

If you work together with external partners, list the most important partners and briefly describe their role.

Commercial partners/sponsors: Applus+ Automotive, Circle K Danmark, Danske Fragtmænd A/S, 3F - United Federation of Workers in Denmark, If Insurances and Volvo Trucks. Financial aid, sharing ideas, using own media platforms.

Pong Advertising Agency: Provided the recording and producing of the video series

InBoundCPH : Made strategies and execution of the campaign on the social media


Please summarise how you have evaluated the initiative’s impact (e.g. social media reach, survey, feedback forms, statistics).

In year 1, the media budget was DKK 175,000 and ran over six weeks, where we hit the target audience via TikTok, YouTube and Meta (Facebook and Instagram). We achieved good results in the first year, achieving 9,341,998 views.

In year 2, the media budget was DKK 100,000 and ran for four and a half weeks, during which we hit the target audience via YouTube and Snapchat. In year two, we achieved even better results, getting 14,110,442 views.

YouTube was used in both campaign periods, where in the first year we had a CMP of DKK 68.31, in year two we had a CMP of DKK 40.

We thus managed to improve our results, despite a smaller campaign budget.

What has been the effect of the activities?

According to Statistics Denmark, there are 252,399 young people between the ages of 13 and 16 in Denmark in 2024.

In the first year, we reached 438,595 unique people via our channels.

In year two, we reached 496,601 unique people.

Bearing in mind that a fictitious age may be indicated when a person has created a profile on one of the media, we must conclude that we have hit our target group.

In the second year of the campaign, we participated in the "DM i Skills" also called SkillsDenmark (part of EuroSkills and WorldSkills), where we had the opportunity to talk to the target group. Although it had been a year since we had last run a campaign, many of the target audience recognized our content from the channels. We received a lot of positive feedback that the campaign was humorous and relevant in a context that made sense to them.

It has not yet been possible to measure the effect of the campaign in relation to accident statistics and further initiatives in the public.

Please briefly explain why your initiative is a good example of improving road safety.

According to new figures from the researchers, the risk of being seriously injured or losing your life on a bicycle in Denmark has increased since 2016, while the risk for virtually all other road users has decreased.

Cyclists and pedestrians encounter trucks in many different situations. This ranges from overtaking on the country road, to e.g. reversing and right-hand turns in urban areas.

Not many are allowed to drive a truck and thus experience the respect that should be shown to the trucks and the understanding that can arise for the driver's working conditions.

With this campaign, we wish to influence young people before they develop too many habits, but at the same time, they have reached an age where they are beginning to navigate in traffic.

We have focused on delivering the message in a humorous way present to young people, and the hosts are two young influencers whom the target group is already following.

How have you shared information about your project and its results?

Information has been shared with the Danish Governmental Road Safety Commission (consists or Government/Parliament representatives, commercial/private road users and control/enforcement units).

Information has been published in our branch magazine DANSKE VOGNMÆND (Danish Hauliers).

Danish State Railways (DSB) is familiar with our campaign and are interested in a collaboration. We share many of the same issues but with a focus on two different modes of transportation, so we are in the early stages of a new partnership based on this campaign.

Information will also be shared with a governmental task force group for the coming update on its report on prevention of right-turn accidents to be issued in the autumn 2024.

Supporting materials