Member since: January 2022
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What are you doing/aiming to do for road safety?

HOYER Group decided with its 5000 employees to sign the "European Road Safety Charter".Our safety targets for 2008 / 2009 / 2010:
No Personal Injuries through motor vehicle accidents during working time for all these years
Motor Vehicle Accidents: a further decrease of 15% in 2008 and additional decrease of 10% in 2009 and 2010
Action plan 2008 / 2009 / 2010:
Training.Our new training plan includes: All of our drivers (3.500) will have a training of at least 8 hours a year. The training depends on the kind of driver. Some sessions will happen in groups, others one - to - one.
Dangerous goods: training for 80% of our drivers in handling and driving dangerous goods (beginner, and refresher training)
Defensive driving / BBS (Behaviour Based Safety): our drivers learn to drive non – aggressively. We want to complete the training for all drivers (in all the different countries) and complete refresher courses in the others.
Loading / Unloading / safety related training: We plan to train all employees and drivers
Product / customer related training: This will be a training on how to maintain deliveries and deal with company vehicles in the area of customers for a safe driving performance
General training as part of the annual refresher training will be: Roll-over prevention, Manoeuvring, Seat belt, Safety at work Emergency response training (first aid and fire fighting)

Additional inter- communication training and safety flashes.
For the next years we want to implement and improve the Road Safety communication in our company. Drivers involved in accidents, or injuries will be invited share their story with other drivers about their accidents, the circumstances and hopefully this will result in less accidents.
Additionally, photos and information about every accident will be brought together and printed to inform others about what happened, or possible accidents and dangers.

Improvement of incident investigation / root cause analysis follow up.
The board of Hoyer will start to evaluate the incident investigation. We will review the papers of the incident investigation: if we see that the necessary forms are not filled out completely, or badly, or the actions taken thereafter are insufficient, we will warn, or talk
to local managers to solve the problem

Competetive factors.In order to promote this SHEQ (Safety, Health, Environmental and Quality) HOYER Group decided to introduce two different competitions. They take place once every 2 years:
HOYER SHEQ Award - for all Departments
Driver of the year (3500 drivers). All drivers can apply when they have driven for one year accident free. On the actual event the preselected drivers have to show their abilities in a road safety and driving competition (competitive training).

The winner will be announced internally and also on our webpage.The SHEQ Team will support the management in the Action plan and implementation and will review the internal performance.

Notified for renewal?