Good Practice of the Month: Dutch cycling initiative changing behaviour and protecting the elderly

Good Practice of the Month - July 2024 awarded to the CycleOn programme, Netherlands for promoting road safety among elderly cyclists 

This new spotlight series is dedicated to showcasing the good practices shared by ERSC members. Each month, we will highlight a different member’s innovative road safety initiative. By highlighting these success stories, we aim to create a collaborative environment where lessons learned and best practices are recognised, celebrated and adopted by others. 

The first spotlight features the CycleOn programme, by the Netherlands’ Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, for its impactful work in promoting cycling among elderly people through cycle training, resources, and workshops. 

Why CycleOn has been recognised as Good Practice of the Month

An important part of delivering the European Green Deal is transitioning to greener mobility that is clean, accessible and affordable to all. The recently adopted European Declaration on Cycling highlights the link between promoting road safety and encouraging cycling uptake, a connection that the CycleOn programme actively addresses, particularly for elderly cyclists. 

Key inspiration behind the CycleOn programme

While the Netherlands is renowned for its strong cycling culture, the older population faces heightened safety risks compared to other road users, with significant increases in accidents among those aged over 65 in the past 25 years.  The CycleOn programme therefore set out to improve road safety for as many elderly cyclists as possible, under the motto “do not get off, but keep on pedalling”. 

Core activities and outcomes

The CycleOn activities on the ground, included cycle groups, e-bike training, workshops, safety and recreational cycling campaigns and advice with physiotherapists, as well amongst other initiatives that successfully enhanced road safety while promoting the health, happiness and social inclusion of elderly people in the Netherlands.


Key takeaway 

A lesson learned through the programme is that participants strongly valued the social aspect of the programme. CycleOn advise that an effective way to reach and keep elderly people involved in such a programme or project is to offer useful information through social gatherings and events.

For more information

Click here to read the full Good Practice by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, NL, and discover the activities and outcomes of the programme in more detail. 

If you are interested in implementing a similar initiative in your local authority or Member State, you can contact the CycleOn programme manager, Juul van Rijn, at Juul can provide further information or advice on the programme, as necessary.

Explore all of our members’ Good Practices here. To submit your own Good Practice, please log in with your account and complete the form on this page