Initiative details
The campaign addresses potentially dangerous situations in road traffic that often arise due to distractions or speeding. In particular, lack of concentration, for example, due to handling a mobile phone while being on the move, poses a great risk. Increased consideration and mindfulness not only contribute to the safety of everyone but also ensure that all road users, including the slower and weaker ones, can feel comfortable in traffic.
Initiative date
Who was/is your target audience?
Policy makers
Children 0-16
Young adults 17-25
Car drivers
Micromobility riders
Knowledge building and sharing
Create awareness
Education in school or in community organizations
Improve vehicles and infrastructure
Organisation details
Radland Niederösterreich - Agentur für Aktive Mobilität
Sankt Pölten
Contact name
Bernd Hildebrandt
Telephone number
Website link
Project activities
Please describe the project activities you carried/are carrying out and the time period over which these were implemented.
The awareness campaign was launched in october 2022, displaying the importance of paying attention on the road for all road users. To bring the campaign motto to life, several projects were developed that address consideration in road traffic in various ways. Measures such as colourful road designs at three crossings in a town in lower Austria were implemented and evaluated to determine their potential in increasing the willingness to stop at pedestrian crossings, achieving speed reduction at hazardous locations and thereby improving overall traffic safety (June - December 2022). In addition teaching materials for primary school were created ("On the road with Risi & Co") and educational materials for children in primary school and their parents ("Mail from Risi & Co") were provided free of charge to all primary schools in lower Austria (October 2022). Additionally walking ropes were developed and donated to kindergartens (October 2022 - June 2023). Also a Safe Routes to School Programme for cycling was implemented at five schools in lower Austria and is being evaluated (January - December 2023). Furthermore training courses for primary school teachers on traffic and mobility education were developed and conducted (March 2023). Last but not least the potential of scooter-sharing systems is being investigated in three small towns in lower austria, with a particular focus on road safety aspects (March 2023 - May 2024).
If you work together with external partners, list the most important partners and briefly describe their role.
The Austrian Road Safety Board (KFV) is the main project partner and responsible for:
- research study on the effetcs of colourful road designs
- creation of teaching materials and educational materials
- development and conduction of the Safe Routes to School programme
- development and conduction of training courses for teachers
- research study on the road safety aspects of scooter-sharing systems
The Austrian Automobile, Motorbike & Touring Club ÖAMTC developed and donated walking ropes to kindergartens.
The advertising agency "Reichl und Partner" was responsible for the awareness campaign.
The traffic planning company Con.sens created the colourful road designs, which were implemented by Röhsler&Co.
- research study on the effetcs of colourful road designs
- creation of teaching materials and educational materials
- development and conduction of the Safe Routes to School programme
- development and conduction of training courses for teachers
- research study on the road safety aspects of scooter-sharing systems
The Austrian Automobile, Motorbike & Touring Club ÖAMTC developed and donated walking ropes to kindergartens.
The advertising agency "Reichl und Partner" was responsible for the awareness campaign.
The traffic planning company Con.sens created the colourful road designs, which were implemented by Röhsler&Co.
What has been the effect of the activities?
In print media, we reached 2 million households up to 6 times with advertisements. In total, 600 billboards with our designs were visible for 6 weeks. The programmatic campaign delivered more than 3.4 million impressions. On social media, videos on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube reached approximately 880,000 impressions. With advertising banners on larger newspaper websites, we achieved around 350,000 impressions.
Teaching and educational materials have been given out to all 643 primary schools in lower Austria, reaching about 17.000 children.
The road markings have shown positive short-term effects on road safety behaviour of car drivers (reduced speeding, increased readiness to stop at pedestrian crossings) during the trial. Further research on long-term effects will follow.
Free walking ropes are being handed out to 250 kindergartens in lower Austria. Up to ten children can walk safely on one rope, together with their kindergarten teachers.
The effects of the safe route to school programme are yet to be investigated.
Teaching and educational materials have been given out to all 643 primary schools in lower Austria, reaching about 17.000 children.
The road markings have shown positive short-term effects on road safety behaviour of car drivers (reduced speeding, increased readiness to stop at pedestrian crossings) during the trial. Further research on long-term effects will follow.
Free walking ropes are being handed out to 250 kindergartens in lower Austria. Up to ten children can walk safely on one rope, together with their kindergarten teachers.
The effects of the safe route to school programme are yet to be investigated.
Please briefly explain why your initiative is a good example of improving road safety.
Distraction in traffic is one of main road safety issues today, not only while driving a car. An increasing number of pedestrians and cyclists are using their phones or other mobile devices while being on the road.
Our road safety initiative focuses on the importance of being attentive, considerate and making eye contact while driving, walking, cycling or riding an electric scooter.
Our main goal as an organisation is to promote active mobility in a safe environment as part of a sustainable lifestyle.
Our road safety initiative focuses on the importance of being attentive, considerate and making eye contact while driving, walking, cycling or riding an electric scooter.
Our main goal as an organisation is to promote active mobility in a safe environment as part of a sustainable lifestyle.
How have you shared information about your project and its results?
A media plan with a cross-media advertising strategy has been developed that builds on existing initiatives and puts particular emphasis on active forms of mobility. The range of measures includes print advertisements, 16- and 24-sheet posters, city light boards, and bus and shared bikes branding, as well as website, online banners, video online campaigns, and fullscreen branding. Additionally, attractive and theme-related giveaways and PR support were utilized to reach all target groups and motivate them to participate.
Further information on our campaign can be found on our website
Further information on our campaign can be found on our website