Attiki Odos A.E.

What are you doing/aiming to do for road safety?

Attiki Odos A.E. commits to the European Road Safety Charter for the next three years with the following actions:
We will improve our average response time of 5.5 minutes to road incidents occurring on the Attiki Odos highway project. We believe that the faster the response time is the incident resolution becomes faster as well as the clearing of the road as such preventing secondary accidents. Our response is coordinated from our Information centre.
Over the next three years we will carry out infrastructure activities such as street cleaning, the remarking of road signs and daily inspections to detect defects and damages.
We will monitor the quality of the road surface with special readings 2 times a year as well as carry out other maintenance work aimed at maintaining the quality of the road infrastructure as a whole.
We will implement, at selected sites on the side of the road, a rail that will protect cyclists. The rail will comply with international road safety standards. If this rail proves to be effective it will be implemented in more parts of the road project.

Notified for renewal?