The European Road Safety Charter workshop took place on the 23rd of November at Kempinski hotel, Universiteto street 14, Vilnius, Lithuania. It was attended by around 70 participants, including media representatives. ERSC brochures and the Charter guidelines for implementing road safety initiatives were distributed to all participants.
The event was opened by Ms Agne Katkute, Deputy Director from the Roads and Aviation Department at the Ministry of Transport and Communications. Mr Vidmantas Pumputis, Head of the Road Safety Division at the Ministry of Transport and Communications, provided an overview of the Lithuanian road safety vision, focusing on current challenges and future opportunities. Ms Dovilė Krasauskaitė, Head of the Road Safety Division at Lithuanian Roads Administration presented the Lithuanian Road Safety Memorandum, a national initiative promoting shared responsibility in the field of road safety by inviting companies to sign the memorandum and commit to take action in road safety. Given the similarities between the ERSCharter and the national initiative, the event sought to create synergies between the two, inviting signatories of the Memorandum to join the ERSC.
The presentation made by the ERSC team focused on explaining to the participants what is the European Road Safety Charter, describing the new phase 2016-2019, why should they join it and how can they do so. Participants were encouraged to join the charter, commit to improving road safety and develop initiatives that they can submit in the ERSC Excellence in Road Safety competition, by pointing out the benefits of joining and sharing good practice.
Concrete members’ experiences were showcased, thorough the presentations from the Association of Lithuanian Communities who presented the actions they undertake in promoting road safety in rural areas of Lithuania and the Lithuanian Automobilists Union who presented several of their initiatives such as the road safety playground for kids and young cyclists’ training.
The discussion on ‘how to implement a successful road safety commitment: good practice examples from other EU countries’ provided an excellent occasion to discuss modalities of improving road safety regardless of the type of organization they belong to, covering examples from municipalities, large companies, research organisations, education institutions and non-governmental organisations.
The feedback from the seminar was very positive, with participants expressing interest in the charter platform. Participants were interested in the idea of cooperation with each other when implementing their road safety initiatives.
The links to the videos used during the presentation can be found here: