18 October 2018 09:00 – 19:00
Ordem dos Engenheiros

This seminar calls for road and transport engineering and public entities and road managers for the rapid and priority implementation of an asset management plan in the road network, which contemplates the urgent, necessary and rapid intervention in the infrastructure and signaling of the network as an essential component to curb the increase in accidents. The existence of a national road safety strategy is an appropriate indicator but it is not clear that infrastructure, as a solid element of the road environment, is at the top of the political agenda.
The fight against Portuguese casualties has to be done on the infrastructure side and requires a regime pact with all sectors on the road environment.
The fight against Portuguese casualties has to be done on the infrastructure side and requires a regime pact with all sectors on the road environment.
This will be a unique opportunity for experts (Engineering, industry, administrations, researchers, academics) to share opinions about infrastructure deterioration, periodic inspections, decision-makers , the long-awaited revision of the Traffic Signaling Regulation to adapt, standardize, replace and modernize signaling in accordance with European standards and best practices.
Bastonário OE Presidente AFESP Presidente AFASEMETRA Jorge Zuniga José do Valle, Paulo Marques Renato Silveira (Orador As
Renato Silveira 14. Marc Broeckarert (orador ERSC) 15. Rui Rocha Fatima Ramos Armando teles Fortes