Members' activities

Below, you will find the latest activities from our members. These could be campaigns, projects,  technology developments, innovations or any activity striving to improve road safety. These activities have not yet been assessed for effectiveness in addressing the problem. 


Am 20.05.2014 führt unsere Moderatorin Roswitha Lauerbach im Maximilianstift in Maxdorf das Programm "Sicher mit dem Rollator" durch. Nach einem theoretischen Teil mit den Inhalten "richtige…

We are mobilizing the Spanish society and EU world since year 2008 and with collaboration of the Spanish authorities I have participate in controlling the road accident in Spain. I am also…

Il Piano d’Azione della Polizia Stradale prevede un concreto impegno non solamente per la diminuzione del numero di incidenti e di vittime, ma anche per un decremento delle violazioni delle norme…

Campañas de información no ámbito dos desprazamentos.

La salud pública y la seguridad vial coinciden de manera directa en el espacio del transporte de alimentos. El objeto de esta guía rápida es dar un instrumento claro, conciso y al mismo tiempo…