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Explore our resources below including projects, documents, presentations, videos and more, all focused on improving road safety. 


Here is the winner of the Global road safety film festival 2013. The title of the film is "Rétrospective" and comes from Vietnam.
“Finding Your Way - A Guide for Victims Following the Death or Serious Injury of a Loved one in a Road Traffic Collision”. Created by PARC Road Safety Group, the guide has arisen out of the pain, hurt, lack of information and confusion of those who have suffered greatly as a result of a road…
Gorseinon Young Firefighters do the Harlem Shake for Road Safety.The Harlem Shake phenomenon that has become an overnight global internet sensation has inspired Young Firefighters from Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service to create their own version to promote road and fire safety advice.
Liikenneturvalta uusi Lapsi liikenteessä – Esite liikennekasvatuksen tueksi Liikenneturvan uusi Lapsi liikenteessä -esite on suunnattu pienten lasten vanhemmille ja lapsiperheiden kanssa työskenteleville. Esite havainnollistaa runsaiden ja selkeiden esimerkkien avulla, kuinka ottaa…
Speed has been identified as a key risk factor in road traffic injuries, influencing both the risk of a road crash as well as the severity of the injuries that result from crashes.