Education campaign for safe rail-road level crossing

Initiative details

Every year, ca. 200 accidents happen on the Polish railroad crossings, leading to dozens of deaths. It was in public interest to make things change and keep the society safe. Up to 99% of incidents are a result of the drivers' recklessness and their non-compliance with the rules. Research shows that general knowledge about safety on railway's tracks and rail-road crossings is too low. 85% of Poles declare that they do not always comply with the traffic rules. Rush, ignorance, recklessness and lack of rationality are the main killers on the railway's tracks in Poland. Drivers routinely disregard the STOP sign, light signals or pass below the closing barriers. The problem concerns both regular and professional drivers. The goal was simple: the more people come into contact with knowledge about safety rules on railway's tracks and rail-road crossings, the less accidents on tracks will happen in the future. Target audiences are: the general public, Polish people, adults and children, road users, driving instructors.

Initiative date


Who was/is your target audience?

Children 0-16
Young adults 17-25
Car drivers


Create awareness

Organisation details

PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A.

Contact name

Marcin Kruszyński

Telephone number

+ 48 571 370 371

Website link

Project activities

If you work together with external partners, list the most important partners and briefly describe their role.

Emergency number 112

Please describe the project activities you carried/are carrying out and the time period over which these were implemented.

All activities directed brought the extraordinary and unprecedented on a Polish scale effects of: Campaign website noted record data with 1.835.483 users and 5.278.913 page views; Educational and safety intervention mobile apps allowed thousands of users to report 703 faults at rail-road level crossings; Ca. 900 driving instructors received didactic materials; Children in hundreds of Polish schools learned safety rules during 3.203 special lessons carried out by experts; Our stands appeared on numerous most popular in Poland railroad safety events. We've recorded information spots aimed at both adults and children: The most popular Polish influencers got involved in the campaign. We have engaged the most significant influencers from various areas in the campaign in order to reach all target groups of the campaign. Videos recorded together with influencers have been viewed by thousands of users: Spectacular crash simulation carried out to bring attention to the problem attracted 142 guests; including 92 representatives of institutions and 52 journalists from 37 editorial offices. Despite safety events in Poland usually attract just a few minor media this was different. All major Polish media reported our spectacular event eg.: Polsat (main commercial polish tv station) - Gazeta Wyborcza (main polish newspaper) - TVN Warsaw (main local tv station in polish capital city) - Thanks to our campaign Poland is a much safer country, where the voice of reason is stronger than ever and breaks through the recklessness and rush! During a dangerous incident on the railroad crossing people knows what to do and with every day of our campaign fewer and fewer people dies in senseless accidents.


What has been the effect of the activities?

All activities directed brought the extraordinary and unprecedented on a Polish scale effects of: Campaign website noted record data with 1.835.483 users and 5.278.913 page views; Educational and safety intervention mobile apps allowed thousands of users to report 703 faults at rail-road level crossings; Ca. 900 driving instructors received didactic materials; Children in hundreds of Polish schools learned safety rules during 3.203 special lessons carried out by experts; Our stands appeared on numerous most popular in Poland railroad safety events. We've recorded information spots aimed at both adults and children: The most popular Polish influencers got involved in the campaign. We have engaged the most significant influencers from various areas in the campaign in order to reach all target groups of the campaign. Videos recorded together with influencers have been viewed by thousands of users: Spectacular crash simulation carried out to bring attention to the problem attracted 142 guests; including 92 representatives of institutions and 52 journalists from 37 editorial offices. Despite safety events in Poland usually attract just a few minor media this was different. All major Polish media reported our spectacular event eg.: Polsat (main commercial polish tv station) - Gazeta Wyborcza (main polish newspaper) - TVN Warsaw (main local tv station in polish capital city) - Thanks to our campaign Poland is a much safer country, where the voice of reason is stronger than ever and breaks through the recklessness and rush! During a dangerous incident on the railroad crossing people knows what to do and with every day of our campaign fewer and fewer people dies in senseless accidents.

Please briefly explain why your initiative is a good example of improving road safety.

Polish Railway Lines launched a social campaign: "Safe rail-road level crossing". Campaign was focused on educating the right behaviours widely in the Polish society thru Ambassadors of Safety and reaching the general public with information about functioning of Yellow Sticker (since 2018) - an innovative safety feature made for shortening the reaction time of emergency services. Located on 14000 railway barriers in Poland, Yellow Stickers contains the emergency contacts and an individual identification number that allows to identify precisely the railroad crossing or passage location. The Yellow Sticker may accelerate the stopping of the train at a safe distance from the railroad crossing and prevent accidents. When something tempts us to act recklessly, it's crucial for our voice of reason to speak up and bring us back to the right path. Research conclusions was that, people taking care of safety and right behaviour in the course of our lives in Poland, are mostly women: moms, wives, sisters, grandmas or aunts. That's why we've decided to make them our Ambassadors of Safety, who appeared in our messages directed to the media and educational materials, teaching whole family safety rules on the tracks and provides information about functioning of the "Yellow Sticker". Actions taken during "Safe rail-road level crossing" social campaign were aimed at promoting it widely in society with the use of high-range media. We wanted Poland to be full of Ambassadors of Safety, where the wise women throughout the country teach their loved ones responsibility. Our campaign wasn't only about noble ideas, but about the periodical actions with a goal of raising the awareness of traffic participants. We've run informative campaigns in traditional and social media. We've distributed information materials during events dedicated to railroad safety and run workshops for the instructors of the driving training centres and the examiners of the Voivodship Road Traffic Centres. We've also organized preventive actions on the railroad crossings and lectures in schools and kindergartens.

How have you shared information about your project and its results?

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