Below, you will find the latest activities from our members. These could be campaigns, projects, technology developments, innovations or any activity striving to improve road safety. These activities have not yet been assessed for effectiveness in addressing the problem.

14th January 2020:On Occation of 31st National Road Safety Week:2020 Jointly Observed by Women & Child Welfare Society(WCWS),Forum for Prevention of Road Accidents(FPRA), Common Action for…

17th January 2020: On Occation of 31st National Road Safety Week:2020 Jointly Observed by Jageswar Yubak Sangha (JJS) ,Nimapada, Dist. Puri, Women & Child Welfare Society(WCWS),Forum for…

12th January 2020: On Occation of 31st National Road Safety Week:2020 “Painting Competition for School Children” Jointly Observed by Women & Child Welfare Society(WCWS),Forum for Prevention…

On Occation of 31st National Road Safety Week:2020 Jointly Observed by Women & Child Welfare Society(WCWS),Forum for Prevention of Road Accidents(FPRA), Common Action for Road Safety(CARS)…

Taller informativo sobre el correcto uso de los sistemas de retención infantiles, incidiendo en el uso de los sistemas orientados en sentido contrario.
Seguridad vial para embarazadas.