Submit your good practice and win an Excellence in Road Safety Award 2019

Member since: October 2013
Submitted by ersc-admin on

We are pleased to inform you that the ‘good practices’ section of the ERSCharter website is now open for submissions. A good practice can be any set of actions (strategies, measures, methods, approaches etc.) that have been successfully addressing a road safety problem. If you have undertaken a project falling under this description, share it with us by submitting your good practice. The deadline for your application is May 15th 2019.

By submitting your good practice, you will be eligible to win an Excellence in Road Safety Award. This year we have a special 'school challenge' with two subcategories (infants and children, and pre-teens and adolescents).

This special school challenge does not only address the good practices organised by the schools themselves, but it also includes the good practices organised by other external entities (enterprises, associations, local/public authorities, the police…) for the schools and the students. You can find more information here.

It is important to note that the call for submissions is not only open for recently developed good practices, but submissions can also include less recent but still ongoing good practices.

The main evaluation criteria are:

  • Innovative approach and creativity (“To what extend your initiative leads to new approaches and practices?”)

  • Impact (“Can you estimate the impact of the initiative at the local, regional, or national level?”)

  • Transferability (“Will the initiative allow the transfer, dissemination, or application of results, experience, knowledge and good practice on a different scale?”)

  • Visibility (“How successfully has the initiative been promoted and disseminated?”)

  • Continuity (“Is there a plan to continue some activities in the coming years?”)

  • Measurability (“Can the impact or the potential success be measured?”)

The information of previous Award winners and other applications can be found here. The guidelines to help you with your application are on this page. On the same page, you can find the guidelines for youth commitment to assist you with your application for the special school challenge.

The 2019 Excellence in Road Safety Award ceremony will be held on October 9th 2019 in the presence of Violeta Bulc, the EU Commissioner for Mobility and Transport. During this ceremony, we will also celebrate the 15th anniversary of the European Road Safety Charter, which was established in 2004 by the European Commission’s Directorate General for transport.

In order to submit your good practice, you first have to sign a commitment by becoming a member of the ERSC community. You can find more information about joining the European Road Safety Charter on this page.

If you have any questions, you can contact us at
