The Finnish ERSCharter network convened some twenty people in a member event held in Helsinki on Monday, 30 September to hear international speakers from the network and other Finnish members and to get actively involved in road safety work. The practical arrangement of the event, called by ERSC coordinator Vassiliki Danelli-Mylona, were taken care of by the Finnish Crash Data Institute (OTI). The networks divided into several country groups, with Danelli-Mylona coordinating from within Greece the group into which Finland also belonged.
The event was opened by Matthew Baldwin, representative of the European Commission, European Road Safety Coordinator. Baldwin highlighted the importance of the Vision Zero. Vision Zero means the target of zero road deaths. A lot of good work has already been done, but the development has halted in many countries. For this reason, it is important to have targets to pursue. Baldwin regards the sharing of goof road safety practices within the ERSCharter network as import work.
Ms Vassiliki-Danelli Mylona presented the operations of the ERSCharter network. .
OTI's Traffic Safety Director Kalle Parkkari presented our traffic safety work and the investigation of road accidents coordinated by OTI. OTI is currently developing a new method for the investigation of serious injuries.
DHL, a company providing shipping, tracking and courier delivery services, is a member of the ERSC network. Quality, Environment, Security and Safety Manager Timo-Pekka Niiranen and Safety Advisor Tuomo Telama presented DHL's loading safety and driver safety training and guide. The guide was compiled based on training materials and the feedback received from drivers in the training sessions.
In the event, OTI donated reflectors with the ERSCharter theme to the police to be distributed to citizens. A total of 11,000 reflectors were delivered to the police. The reflector donation was received by Assistant Police Commissioner Maria Hoikkala.
ERSCharter and OTI wish to thank all the member organisations that participated in the event: DHL, the Traumatic Brain Injury Association of Finland, Helsinki Cyclists, the Finnish Road Safety Council, Rahtarit ry, the Finnish Motorcyclists' Association (SMOTO) and the National Institute for Health and Welfare.
The Finnish Crash Data Institute (OTI) works to prevent road accidents in Finland. OTI coordinates the operations of road accident investigation teams and administers the data collected in the investigations, in addition to its other traffic accident statistics. The amount and quality of the statistical data are unique by international standards. OTI provides important information that can be used to improve traffic safety at both legislative and practical levels. The institute operates as an independent unit within the Finnish Motor Insurers' Centre.