Below, you will find the latest activities from our members. These could be campaigns, projects, technology developments, innovations or any activity striving to improve road safety. These activities have not yet been assessed for effectiveness in addressing the problem.

Velar por la seguridad vial de los más pequeños en las entradas de los colegios a través del Programa Acércame con voluntariado (padres, madres y familiares del propio alumnado) que desarrollan la…

Sanofi is a a global healthcare company engaged in the research, development, manufacturing and marketing of healthcare solutions. As such, 30.000 medical representatives detail our product to our…

Auteur de 2 recueils BRÈVES DE VOLANT aux éditions du cherche-midi. Je prépare une bande dessinée pédagogique sur le thème des infractions au code de la route. Un futur dictionnaire intitulé : LES…

In September 2014 a number of organisations under the banner of FIRE AID delivered four fully equipped fire appliances and two ambulances to the Moldovan Fire Service in Nisporen. Nisporen is a…

L’azienda ha costruito la propria strategia e i propri programmi per il medio lungo termine, intorno alla Politica della Sicurezza ed in particolare della Sicurezza Stradale. L’impegno degli…