Members' activities

Below, you will find the latest activities from our members. These could be campaigns, projects,  technology developments, innovations or any activity striving to improve road safety. These activities have not yet been assessed for effectiveness in addressing the problem. 


Standard (new) trucks

All-round visibility

Large panoramic windows, low top edge of the instrument panel and fully-glazed folding door make for outstanding…

The Czech Beer and Malt Association (CBMA) takes an active role in promoting a responsible approach to alcohol consumption. One of its self-regulation activities is the project „When I Drive I…

The Road Safety Week

The Road Safety Week is one of the key road safety events in Ukraine, which traditionally brings together representatives of the government, business and NGOs,…

Presentación del Plan Piloto de Educación Vial para la Movilidad Sostenible, Accesible y Segura de las personas usuarias de ADEPAS en la Semana Europea de la Movilidad. Jornadas Seguridad Vial y…

Meetings at hospitals, inserted in the path of future mothers, to raise awareness of the correct use of restraint systems for children and to share simple solutions to the problems for everyday's…