Below, you will find the latest activities from our members. These could be campaigns, projects, technology developments, innovations or any activity striving to improve road safety. These activities have not yet been assessed for effectiveness in addressing the problem.

In 2016, the Automobile Club of Moldova (ACM) in partnership with the National Patrolling Inspectorate (NPI) launched a targeted ‘Sober and Safe Villages’ campaign under the FIA Road Safety Action…

Romania is one of the European countries with the highest mortality rate in road accidents (91 dead to 1 million people in 2014), according to data provided by local authorities. The “FII TREAZ LA…

In 2016, the Automobile Club of Moldova (ACM) in partnership with the National Patrolling Inspectorate (NPI) launched a targeted ‘Sober and Safe Villages’ campaign under the FIA Road Safety Action…

Con el comunicado numero 12 de la campaña pretendemos dar unas claves para ir seguro andando, en coche o en autobús

In 2015-2016 Prodriver Foundation ( realised the II edition of the project „Pro Driver 25+”: its purpose was to improve the technical…