Explore our resources below including projects, documents, presentations, videos and more, all focused on improving road safety.

Policy-makers and stakeholders are able to select and implement the most appropriate strategies, measures and cost-effective approaches to reduce casualties of all road user types with this innovative road safety Decision Support System (DSS).
SafetyCube is a project with 4 sub-objectives all…

When it comes to in-depth understanding of road accident causation, The InDeV project aims to develop a toolbox for in-depth analysis of accident causation for Vulnerable Road Users (VRU).
The toolbox will help to link accident causation factors to VRUs’ accident risk and provide a solid basis for…

Cyclists suffer a disproportionate share of serious injuries and fatalities, and indeed in recent years that disadvantage has been growing. At the same time they often are not treated equally by traffic systems (e.g. traffic signals frequently fail to register their approach or presence).

With the rapidly changing demographic structure in the EU due to reducing birth rates and increasing life expectancies, the mobility needs of the elderly are also changing. These demographic changes are of growing concern to mobility and road safety especially since recent data show an…

Find out more about who we are and what we hope to achieve here at the European Road Safety Charter with our refreshed brochure.