Road safety and risky behaviour was the topic of the ERSCharter webinar held on Thursday May 16th. It was the fourth webinar of the 2016-2019 charter edition.
Fatima Pereira da Silva, board member of the International Council on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic safety (ICADTS), opened the webinar with a presentation about driving under influence. After a short contextualization of the problematic Fatima explained in details the danger of driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs. She ended her presentation with a summary of ESRA’s and ETSC’s recommendations as well as specific recommendations to prevent DUI in the work(place) context.
The second presentation about speeding was given by Jan Jung, CEO of community speed watch online. Jan gave us a good insight about the speeding problematic and presented us the community speed watch (CSW), an innovative action to prevent speeding and rewarded in 2018 by the excellence in road safety awards. More info about CSWonline can be find in the aditionnal documents and the online video:
The PowerPoint presentations and the recording of this webinar are available here.