DRIVE up Safety kortweg DUS! vzw ‘Road Safety organisation for youth!’

First name


Last name

De Craecker

Organisation name

DRIVE up Safety kortweg DUS! vzw ‘Road Safety organisation for youth!’

Type of member


Describe your organisation

DUS! Drive up Safety, Road Safety organisation for young people is a group of young people that promote road safety. Our main goal is to motivate a maximum number of young road users - pedestrians, bicyclists and drivers - to adopt safe behaviour in traffic.
This is done using all kinds of positive, interactive and above all entertaining actions on awareness raising among our target audience.
DUS! has two full-time employees, and has a group of 100 motivated volunteers.

DUS! will continue to work constructively on road safety in the coming years. Our organisation will continue to focus on young people - peer-to-peer. Over the next five years DUS! targets to reach 2.5 million people.
In the next 5 years we will disseminate about 250.000 promo items including posters, flyers, brochures, scent hangers, gadgets, promo bags.
The communication style of Drive Safety Up! is positive, playful and young.
We will take up the following three themes as core objectives:

- Seatbelt
- Alcohol
- Visibility

DUS! will visit many events with its 'spin car' (accident simulator car) and targets a maximum number of people to test the car and thus realise the importance of the seatbelt. By experiencing the spinning everyone can witness personally that the three-point seatbelt, available in all modern cars, can save lives!
Together with the spin car we will organise every year a seatbelt campaign through which we seek to promote the seat belt in a fun way.

DUS! will try to convince young and old people, through experience, that alcohol and traffic don't mix. We will use our 'drunken goggles' to let people find out that everything gets more difficult when having drunk, including riding a bicycle, motorcycle and car.

We will also use breath test devices that visually show when you're above the legal maximum level and therefore risk to get fined and - what's more important - not are able to drive safely anymore.

We will also continue our successful rewards campaign 'DUS @ Road', that rewards responsible and safe drivers when they have not been drinking while driving. Every year we reward at least 6000 traffic safety heroes! The sober driver is considered by DUS! as a real hero - he assures that his friends get home safely and also decreases the risk of accidents for others.

DUS! will continue to work on being visible and 'cool' at the same time on the road. We will, through the development of hip clothing, try to convince young people that is vital to see and to be seen in the traffic.
In the next few years DUS! will collaborate with trendy fashion designers to design strikingly visible clothes.

Mentality Change:
It is our key objective to raise awareness among young people in a lasting way. We aim to convince a maximum number of people that road safety is a hot topic and that anyone could help by changing its proper behaviour.

DUS! is present on the road, stands among its target group and takes positive action!
