Prevent drug driving

Initiative details

Who was/is your target audience?

Young adults 17-25


Create awareness
Provide alternative solutions

Organisation details


Project activities

If you work together with external partners, list the most important partners and briefly describe their role.

The Swedish Transport Administration. Collaboration as part of the "Action plan for safe road traffic" in Sweden

Please describe the project activities you carried/are carrying out and the time period over which these were implemented.

On-site drug tests in road traffic
MHF has expanded its work on the drug driving problem over the past seven years. We are working to change the legislation so that the police are authorized to perform drug tests with instruments on drivers, even if there is no previous suspicion. Now a commission of inquiry on traffic controls has proposed just this and we are waiting for a political decision on the issue.
At our initiative, the Swedish Institute for Standards has carried out work to develop a Swedish technical standard regarding rapid tests for drugs (oral fluid tests). MHF's road safety manager is the chairman of the committee, which will complete its work shortly.