Moldova: Developing post-crash response (5th Pillar) through the Rescue challenge Concept

The United Kingdom Rescue Organisation International Development Programme (UKRO IDP) and Blythswood Care have joined forces again under the Fire Aid banner to deliver training to Civil Protection and Emergency Situations Service (CPESS) Moldova and the Serviciul Mobil de Urgenţǎ, Reanimare şi Descarcerare (SMURD). The UKRO IDP Extrication assessing team delivered Rescue Challenge Concept (RCC) training to 36 frontline fire-fighters where the focus was on Extrication Command, Technical and Medical competences, whilst our Medical Assessors delivered a bespoke Trauma course to SMURD fire-fighters. The IDP project team delivered Assessor and Logistic workshops to two SMURD doctors and five CPESS officers who undertook their phase 1 Road Traffic Collision assessing training. The week’s training culminated with the Moldovan Inaugural National Rescue Challenge. The implementation of the RCC provides the CPESS with a training model of self-development and going forward ensures that the support being provided by Fire Aid members is sustainable. The CPESS now have an international platform through the World Rescue Organisation where they can share knowledge, experience and skills with fellow rescuers from around the world while educating their fire-fighters and enhancing operational capabilities that will lead to an improved response at road traffic collisions.

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